Chapter 4 - Escaping the Giant's Clutches.

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"I got ya now, ya smelly freak!"

"Crap!" Stella thought. Of course this weirdo would still be around with his bastard of a pet. Speaking of, Jólakötturinn gets up to his four legs, as imposing in his weirdly adorable way as ever. She really wished she wasn't on the receiving end of his claws.

Stúfur could not hold his own laughter. He giggled in glee as he finally caught the creature that knocked him out with a rock. "Can't escape from Jóla without your guide dog, can ya!?" Then he points a finger at the human. "Get her!"

The Cat eagerly follows the Ogre's orders and starts making his first steps towards Stella. The girl instinctively starts walking backwards, not that it would help with anything. 

Overwhelmed by her panic, she shouts. "You can't touch me!"

The Cat seemingly understands Stella's words and stops on his tracks. His big, bright yellow eyes look at the girl with curiosity. He's clearly no regular animal, so he's a Monoke as well? Is he sentient? The girl's mind wandered through many questions. Probably to make her cope with the panic she was currently suffering.

The Ogre seemed just as lost as the Cat. "Of course we can, you dumbass!"

Stella continued talking out of her butt. "Yeah! But you shouldn't!"

Stúfur looked at her, dumbfounded. "Why?!"

Great. Now what does she do now? She has to think something real fast or else she will become some giant cat's squeaky toy at best. "Think, Stella! There might be something you can pull off! You have a bomb strapped on your chest! Or you have a very fatal and contagious disease! Maybe a curse...?" The Cat started taking careful steps towards her again. "Shit! What would Lien-"

"Lien..." As her name crossed Stella's mind, something clicked on it.

The Human spoke to the Ogre behind, her back still turned towards him. "Don't you know what I am?" Her tone now resolute, and without any trace of her previous desperation.

The Ogre didn't seem to have a reaction at all, so she continued. "You still haven't realized at this point? How am I unlike any creature you've ever seen?"

Stúfur finally responded to Stella's questions, noticeably less sure of himself. "Y-yeah! So what?!"

Stella turned her head towards the Ogre without moving her torso. She looked at him from the corner of her eye with a wicked smile. "You poor bastard..."

"W-What did you say!?" Stúfur wasn't pleased by the Human's choice of words. However, he was equally intimidated.

Stella was liking the direction that this confrontation was leading towards. She started making her own, ominous speech with her best supervillain voice. "I am the creature that comes from the outside world. I am the one who takes the clothes you forget to keep it tidy. I am the one who steals the toys that are left outside the box!"

"What?! So, does that mean..." And bingo! The obnoxious Monoke finally realized what the girl was implying. His skin started to become more pale, and even his nose was adopting a pink coloration. "No, it can't be! You really are-"

"Yes, my dear Lad!" Stella was hamming it up with her "dramatic reveal", her voice turning into some of an old school superhero. Then, she slowly turned her body completely towards the frightened Lad and adopted a more edgier tone of voice. "I... Am..."

"A HUMAN!" She made an attempt of a scary expression, grimacing while baring her teeth and putting her tongue out. She even bent her fingers to look like claws. Thankfully, that was effective enough for the poor Lad, who was trembling in fear.

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