I isekai'd to turn into a simp #2

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Her eyes slowly recovered vision through the dark.

"And what about you?" The protagonist's voice met her ears and she could see him staring at her.

Her eyes scanned his visage before latching onto the body behind him. The body was hard to ignore with its skin-tight bones and careless sunken poster, like a man who had stood for too long and gave up by sitting down. She reached with her hands the hands that were a little bigger than she was used to, and put them on her eyes as if checking something. She could see. She could see what she didn't see.

When her hands left her face, she was again met with the protagonist who stood on the side of the body. The body emanated death and she could feel it hovering over them like a useless umbrella. She ignored it noticing the stones that made the wall in the foreground. She could tell when one brick started and the other ended. She saw the way the bricks were textured with smooth angles. Her eyes drifted observing the different clothes and folds in the protagonist's attire. She could tell what was leather and what was metal on the dead body at his feet. She met his eyes and lost her breath more sharply than she was already beginning to but this time acknowledgable to her.

"Um, high?" She raised her hand sensing how much longer the limb was.

Oddly enough, her hands were not gloved.

The protagonist stared at her. She stared back, her hand still raised. She wondered if he was hesitating to raise one of his brows at the weird verbal response.

This was an odd dream because of how realistic it was, with every breath she could tell how humid it was but her sight was clear and the dead body did not make her gag, so, this was a dream.

She squinted then took a step forward before squatting at the feet of the dead body. She looked at the lack of wrinkles, it was almost like someone molded a body of clay and then punched the cheeks of the bust in. She looked up at the protagonist. He was observing her.

"So, why'd you do it?" She turned back to the dead body and put her hand on the corpsed shoe. Her fingers pinching the tip of the body's leather boot. The aqua gem was nowhere to be seen.

She sighed, she didn't think she would receive an answer soon. She lifted herself back up to stand with a huff.

She was trying not to stare at the protagonist too much but the other option was to stare at the corpse that was now a barrier between them. 3 pairs of feet but one of them was dead, another thought they were dreaming and the last had somewhere to be.

Awkwardly looking away, she could see where the group that had run away came from and followed back. There were weak impressions of varying foot sizes in the thin layer of dirt that was more like sand. She was passively aware that the imprint that led to her was bigger than her own feet and the other two pairs of prints.  

"Are you not going to follow your group?" His voice was nice and crisp, like a cautiously curious princess.

"You didn't touch the gem, why is that?" She looked back all too aware of the air on her nape. Her hair was short in this dream.

At the question, he shifted his arms and she could tell he was getting ready to attack.

She took a tiny step so her whole body could face him. Based on what she read, Vaelin, the protagonist, was not one to kill cruelly. It would be quick. She wondered if she would have another dream after or wake up. If she did wake up, she would be met by her phone and another chapter, hopefully finding out what happened to the gem. 

She rubbed her pointer finger on her thumb at the thought of the tiny crystal. Her fingerprints were a little thick and coarse compared to what she was used to. She never saw the gem, but that was the point of reading a book. She opened the space where her finger and thumb met and imagined it was as small as the gap. The tiny gem glinted with a mint green in her mind.

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