Harem pt. 3

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She was sitting in the back of the class and had her head leaning in the palm of her head when the class president strode into the class, Teruya Ren. She had suspected her to be part of the harem but nothing was going up, nothing was happening. It had already been 6 months since school started, so she didn't bother to fix her posture. Besides, it was break time what could possibly happen in ten minutes?

"Sekiguchi Tatsuya!" The class president, Ren, all but declared, slamming her hand with papers on his desk. It looked more like Ren was entitled and demanding than stoic but who was Etsuko to say? She had to cover her mouth from showing a smirk, it was truly funny to find her childhood 'best friend's name being shouted out in the middle of the day. She could see most of the commotion from her back seat, unfortunately, Tatsuya's body was blocking the class president's hand movements and what the papers had meant.

He was sitting in the front of the class, the second desk from the entrance, ironically considering she was in the seat of the stereotypical main character. Etsuko almost had watched all of it before the bell rang and the class started to fill up, Ren had to leave for 'class president business,' whatever that meant. The tiny commotion had seemed to ruffle up Tatsuya but if anything it was more amusing, it was just school papers. As Etsuko hummed to herself and twirled a piece of hair around her index finger she thought about Ren, Teruya Ren.

She had a long high ponytail which hinted at her well-maintained long hair, duh. Etsuko rolled her eyes at herself. Ren seemed physically fit and her eyes and hair were reminiscent of calming key lime green. She seemed to be the more moral type and Etsuko if anything could imagine Ren being the glue to the harem when things got catty. If she was part of the harem? Etsuko sighed, she was confused with herself. This fixation on the plot didn't really seem so beneficial, she didn't even know if it was predetermined.

Why was she so fixated on it If she knew she was going to be selfish anyway? She didn't even know most of it. She sighed again, knowing one thing though, there was no way Ren would put her own feelings before others. She was going to be eaten alive by the other girls but first Etsuko would have to figure out who those other girls were. Oh, poor, Ren. Etsuko huffed, finally paying attention to the class.

............A/n: there's no way am I writing about class, it would kill me. maybe they talk about dolphin culture or some shit. I hate dolphins. 

Estuko slammed her hands on the desk in a reenactment of Teruya Ren, but instead of yelling Tatsuya's name, she smirked only perceivable to Tatsuya before it quickly went away. Tatsuya already had a weary expression on his face.

"So.." Etsuko said prompting Tatsuya to say anything.

"So, what?" Tatsuya grumbled.

"Why do you have the student council on your ass? You're not even part of the school committee," she leered, playing up her interest.

"It's none of your business," Tatsuya replied clipped.

At that, Etsuko gave a bemused look before twirling away with a word, "Okay~."

She hung on to the door frame of the classroom, "but if I see Teruya Ren in this hall," she said making a show of putting her head out into the hall, "I won't tell you!"

"Don't say her name!!!" Tatsuya hissed out, which was the last thing Etsuko heard before she left the classroom. 

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