Alister's P.O.V. pt. 2

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For the next few months, I would have periods of depression. The only thing that would help me was the child that frequently came around. There was also a young lady who would take me to another woman occasionally. Sometimes it was embarrassing, breastfeeding, changing diapers, and bathing. Out of the three people who I saw frequently, the child who I assumed was the young lady's sibling had done things in a subtle way that didn't set me off.

It was after having these repeated experiences and care, did I start getting motivated to live more. I started practicing my vocal range and crawling, having a goal to stand. It was frustrating because, throughout all this, it still felt like a constant reminder of what I lost. I died, my sister and I would have hypotheticals over situations like this but I wasn't as passionate about it as her. Isekai novels were one of her guilty pleasures.

That's why it came as a great surprise to bond over This is your love because it wasn't an Isekai genre. It was more about war, politics, the people in the main character's life, and how he saw them. It had intricate world-building that the author made you feel intimate with. It was breathtaking to have so much passion for a world made up, but not breathtaking enough for me to be in a situation like this, an Isekai situation. It all feels like it's mocking me. This is the book we loved and I'm living in it as a trope I was not inclined about.

Currently, I'm being carried by the young lady, I have deduced is named Amelia. It had taken me longer to get the hang of the language here than I would've thought. After my bouts of depression, I had time to pick up the language naturally. It helped that my baby mind was absorbent, I figured out that the young boy who frequently visited me was named Cillian, and that the young lady who took care of me often was my nanny named Amelia. I was familiar with this routine, Amelia was taking me to what I had guessed was my mother in this life...

After what felt like a long time, Amelia took a swift turn into another hallway and knocked gracefully on one of the doors. I hear a verbal response and Amelia enters. Upon entering I see a woman sitting at a table, across from her is a little boy with golden hair excitedly waving his limbs with each word he says. The woman is more familiar to me than the boy. I wasn't as observant as I should've been but after a few visits of feeding... I had taken notice of her clothes and the way Amelia had treated her. I remember that Alister was of Noble lineage belonging to a house of a duke. There were also servants coming in and out of the room serving her tea and snacks. I was still iffy about whether she could be my birth mom though. I didn't get the chance to see my reflection fully but Alister had blue hair in the novel, She had flaxen hair, and I wasn't certain about her being my mother because of this. Of course, I knew there were wet nurses but what kind of wet nurse got treated like her? As soon as I see her, I move my arms in her direction and say


"Hello, my sweetheart, Ali!" She coos.

Amelia brings me to her and I'm immediately in who I guessed is Lady Verchile's arms. My attention is brought by the kid that is now right in front of me. His face shines with enthusiasm and I can tell that he has blue eyes. I guess he's my brother, It must come from the father. He was wearing a simple dress shirt and suspenders designed in monochromatic brown stripes, from what I could tell. In the novel since Alister was only mentioned two times, we never really got to see his family dynamic. Of course, we had a whole page about his looks so background information was nuanced. Since my sister and I debated over the character's fanart so much, I read that page repeatedly to support my arguments.

'if you were familiar with the kingdom of Triciadal, you would reminisce of the late queen, upon seeing his hair.' Another line mentioned his hair color and eyes.

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