What now? Pt. 2

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He knew Yuka was staring at him in that classroom, he felt the chills on his back through the cold sweat puking had given him from that realization. If anything he now has to make himself a purpose, and right now it was avoiding Yuka. He washed his hands and rinsed his mouth, never looking at himself in the mirror. It was one of the things he just couldn't do. His mind was a little clearer and it brought him to the plot. Yuka goes back in time and befriends the second lead Fujikawa earlier because he is a hotshot in the future, she gains a better reputation and the interest of the male lead later on.

Where does Goro stand in this, well, he bullies Fujikawa in the first life being one of the reasons Fujikawa is so dark and domineering when he gets to be successful. So basically he was the catalyst for the character development of a successful CEO. Fujikawa is the second male lead but the way Goro sees it, all the main three are protagonists with good futures so screw them. Well, until Fujikawa fights the Male lead for Yuka but that parts on him this time, not Goro. He washed his face and wiped it with his shirt not caring how he appeared. In the second life, Goro would indirectly create romantic tension for Yuka and Fujikawa. All because Yuka decided to stand up for Fujikawa, getting Goro's attention, romantic attention, ew.

He thinks it's crazy how Yuka knew about the bullying in her first life but did nothing about it until it benefited her in the second. Absolutely crazy, and he's an asshole. Well, Roller Coaster Girl wouldn't have done anything either unless she was mega-rich. Of course, there are students that are richer than him but don't do anything, in fact, they find Goro amusing. He ground his teeth at the thought of him being amusing to anyone. He spent too much time being amusing to anyone as Roller Coaster Girl. Just as he was going to walk to the nurse's office he heard the scorn and derision in someone's voice.

"What do you think your parents would say if they knew you let yourself do this?"

Goro lifted a brow at that, he didn't know if he was thinking right but that sounded kind of kinky. The words were accompanied by laughter, taunts, and noises Goro could only assume were kicks. Before he knew it, he was at the end of an empty hall and he could deduce that the noise came from one of the classrooms. He was hesitant at first to approach but after thinking it over for a moment, he already was a bully, and he already had a reputation, so what could he lose? He slid the rest of the door wide open and there they were. A group of teens surrounded another one on the floor. What Goro assumed was the leader was sitting on a desk leaning back.

"What the hell? Atsushi, what the fuck is going on?" Goro barked. He remembered this kid from his memories. Atsushi cocked his head, everyone simultaneously doing the same in the direction of Goro. Goro felt a chill on his back.

"Boss, so you've finally come to join?" One of the teens said with a grin, they were all used to Goro's swearing.

"Yea, we've got this newbie here," Atsushi said casually, tilting his head to the person kneeling on the ground.

"I don't care about your kinky shit, just try not to be so loud," Goro huffed out in what looked like exasperation. He knew they were still up to their bullying but he wasn't close enough to demand them to stop without it being suspicious. His lackeys weren't fully blind by admiration or whatever it was they felt for him. He had been ignoring them for the past three weeks, so he was willing to bet the person on the floor didn't hate him fully yet....

"I could hea-"

"Our shit is not kinky," one of the other kids interrupted him. Goro had to make a face at that, his brows slightly furrowed and lips pulled back a little. The expression was fully something Roller Coaster Girl would do and looked unfamiliar on the teen's face. What the fuck, out of all the shit to pull, you notice that?

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