From piggy to cow

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Laying out my food in front of me, I felt like I had never eaten in my life. I broke into the chicken and began eating with my hands, shoving it into my mouth and sucking the grease off my pudgy fingers. Once I cleaned off the carcass I opened the chips, then I opened the second bag. I still wasn't full. I looked over at the weight gain shake and without thinking I cracked one open and chugged it, I didnt feel anything so I had another and another and another. After chugging four of the weight gain shakes I sat down on my couch and began to rub my large belly when suddenly it gurgled loudly. It kept gurgling louder and louder and began to feel tight, it stopped gurgling for a minute or two and I let out a fart. The gurgling began again and I felt the need to have more shakes so I opened another. My body felt even heavier. As I chugged I felt some spilling out of my mouth and down my double chin getting lost in my fat neck. My body gurgling and farting as I chugged and rubbed my large belly, my clothes began to tighten. My sweatpants crawling up into my fat ass, my love handles popping out of my pants and my shirt quickly became a bra and my double belly had been exposed, my fat arms were suffocating from the t shirt tightening. Rubbing my belly turned into grabbing and shaking it around sending my body into a jiggling frenzy.
"Oh yeah"
I felt my sweatpants begin to moisten with the sexual juices seeping out of my fat pussy, the seam of my sweatpants cutting it right in half. The seam pressing up against my clit, I began to move back and forth to feel the pressure on my pussy and I got wetter with every movement. My body now jiggling and swaying more than ever before as I sunk down further into my couch. I finished off the package of weight gain shakes and my body was at its limit. I sat there bulging and jiggling out of my clothes, continuing to hear the loud gurgling from my stomach and loud juicy farts from my rear end. Suddenly my shirt ripped right down the middle, after watching that my nipples hardened, I began to rub and squeeze my big heavy breasts and before I knew it I saw milk coming out of my nipples and dribbling down my belly.
"Oh yes" I moaned loudly
My udders were so big I could put them up to my mouth, so I did. I began to suck on my own mommy bags and felt the sweet milk go down easily, I let out a burp. My body kept feeling heavier and heavier as my belly grew fatter and doughier as it lowered closer to my knees. I struggled to get up and waddled over to my scale farting every few steps, as I stepped on it creaked loudly under my heavy frame. Stepping off I saw 516.3
"Yes!!! Yes I'm finally a cow!!"
I tried to jump but barely moved off the ground as my whole body jiggled with delight. I slapped and shook my belly as a reward to myself for becoming a big fat cow ready for breeding. After celebrating I wondered how I gained over 100lbs in just a couple of hours. I read the back of the weight gain shakes
"In large amounts may cause serious gas, extreme weight gain and lactation. Please drink responsibly"
My body began to gurgle again, my breasts spilling out of my bra exposing some of my large nipple. I felt like I was getting larger, I began to feel more stretch marks forming as I stood in my kitchen. I lifted up my belly hang and slapped it up on the counter as I watched it grow in size. My fat arms began to form rolls. Rolls!! On my arms! My chin felt heavier as I reached up to it I could feel at least 5 inches of pure fat.

I couldn't stop growing! I began rubbing my big fat jiggly body and moaning

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I couldn't stop growing! I began rubbing my big fat jiggly body and moaning. The gurgling grew louder and my stomach began to tighten again. Rubbing my lard covered body I began belching, when I wasn't belching I was farting.
"Oh god I'm such a fat cow" I moaned
My panties continued to moisten at the thought of growing even larger. I needed more weight gain shakes. I felt my body begging to grow larger, I loved the feeling of gaining and fattening myself up. I door dashed a large amount of food as well as 3 more packs of weight gain shakes.

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