Piggy's adventure

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I grabbed my purse and got Into the car- or should I say I plopped Into the car. The seat was too small for me now, when I shut the door my ass and love handles were pressed up against it. On the other side they pressed up against the E brake basically covering it. I moved my seat back to fit my belly and breasts. My rolls were sitting on top of the center console and my lower belly was still touching the steering wheel. Every bump I hit sent a wave of jiggling and wobbling throughout my body full of lard, each jiggly movement turning me on more and more. Finally inside the grocery store my cart was quickly filling up, cakes and cookies, 4 whole rotisserie chickens, boxes of pasta and bags on bags of fatty chips. People would begin to stare when I walked down an aisle, my ass jumping up and down like two beach balls in my sweatpants, the sound of my fat thighs crashing into each other was I waddled down the aisle, my doughy belly swaying with each step and jiggling along with my breasts. My arms wobbling as I reached for more fat filled goodies. My cart was almost full when something caught my attention. A large box that said "weight gain shake" I picked it up and put it in my cart. Now I can head home.
Once I arrived home I put some of my groceries away but I kept out a rotisserie chicken, two bags of chips a liter of soda and of course the weight gain shakes.

The wishTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon