Chapter 4

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"Alright, so first thing's first," Princess says. "We gotta help you cast your first skill. That will basically be the key to everything. Four fighters, casting skills in tandem. We love to see it!"

"Princess, please calm down." Avery adjusts her collar and points in the direction of the hunting grounds. "We'll only go there if Hope wants to."

I steal a glance at Juno, who lends me a little smile. Bravery tugs at my chest. "Let's go. It's time that I learn how to fight."

Kara's glimmering magic still sticks to me. Mages carrying staves, various citizens holding their canvas shopping bags, and kids running around with sticks, pretending to be mages. I inhale the scent of fresh salads and meats roasting on sticks, as the hugeness of it all shocks me to the core.

"Where are you from?" Juno asks me as we walk. Princess and Avery lead the way, in deep discussion about the very first boss they'd like to fight.

"I'm from..." I pause, debating how much to share. "A village."

"So I'm guessing you've never seen a city just like this one, huh?" Juno grins, one hand on his dagger. For a second, I have the picture of him stabbing me. He will dig into my stomach and tear me apart. Like my nightmare about Maroon Wolves, my blood will spill on the grass. I will never become a mage that can defend himself, that can call upon his mana like second nature.

It disconcerts me so much, that I forget to ask him where he is from. Although I know that he must be from the Golden City—or at least his ancestors were.

"It's new, isn't it?" Juno says. "For the longest time, I've always wanted to be part of a party. I never imagined it happening. Today, well—it's just us."

It's just us. Another image comes over me, of me and Juno fighting side by side. I tuck this image away, focusing on Avery and Princess, the way they turn animated when discussing fighting techniques.

We leave the shimmering protective mist of Kara. Soon enough, we come across a green Jelly. I regard its jiggling body, remembering the time it almost suffocated me. Not today. I admire the expanse of Kara's surrounding forest, massive trees sprouting from the ground and breaking up the sky. In a place so beautiful and brilliant, there's no way I can fail. I have to cast my first skill.

"Alright," Princess says. "What always helps me is visualizing the skill in my mind. Almost like meditation. It has to take all your focus. I assume you're wanting to do the Wave skill, so I can assure you that since you now have the power, it will come. I believe in you, Hope!"

A bit overwhelmed, I nod and try to put Princess' suggestions into practice. I watch the Jelly, meditating on the word "Wave." The sunlight filters in through the gigantic boughs, skimming my face. I try to ignore the feeling of Juno watching me—and Avery and Princess, for that matter.

"It's fine if you don't get it at first," Avery says. "It took a lot of time. For all of us."

Juno hums in agreement. "That's right. No pressure, Hope."

For all of my life, I've been weak. I've listened to my parents about everything, and I never disobeyed. I may not have been a devout member of the Following, but I always stayed within the bounds. Power hovered well above my reach. Instead of acting on my own accord, I needed to rely on my parents and to do their will, almost as if they were the gods in my life.

When I heard about the fighters of Blossom World, I thought of what my parents would say if I ever brought up the idea. Of my leaving. Instead, I harbored the idea as a deep secret, knowing the moment would come when I'm finally old enough to cross the lines of safety on my own.

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