Chapter 2

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Although there are academies for new mages, I don't have enough gold to apply. Most people choose to become a mage or other class around sixteen, but I've got a late start thanks to my parents and their community declaring that "choosing a class means choosing to poison yourself." I've learned to hate almost everything about the Following. I especially hate how they've tried to hold me back from my dream of becoming a powerful protector of Blossom World.

I marvel at my first exploration of Kara. So much life and vibrance. Everything is big, almost unreal. Back in my village, we were lucky to have gatherings of more than two dozen people. Here, hundreds of people pass me in their wanderings. All of them are different, from either Halo Island itself or the other eight cities—four in the continent of Nin and four in Miria. I see no evidence of the Following just yet, knowing that they usually stick to the outskirts. They don't want to be poisoned by people who "succumbed" to the avatars either.

I spend a long time walking, trying to bounce in my freedom as an adult. A person with no chains. But my anxiety does settle in, along with the fear of whether I can make it on my own.

I turn myself around a few times, trying to find the Kara weapon shop. Finally, I see the imprint of a sword and shield over a hut that rests between two particularly massive, jutting roots.

"Welcome welcome welcome," says the woman behind the counter. She's pale with even paler light blond hair, with green eyes. "What can I do for you today?"

I waste no time. "I just became a mage. I'd like to buy a weapon."

"Have you joined an academy? If not, I'd advise you to get the mage starter guide as well—the book has everything you need to know."

"I'll take that too."

She reaches onto one of her shelves for the book, opening a closet for the beginner wand, carved from a rare wood deep within the abyss of Kara.

"500 gold for the wand, and 50 gold for the guide, please."

Feeling my heart rip out of my chest, I produce the payment while imagining the mage I will become. The mage that will swim in gold once he conquers the world's most fearsome bosses.

"I'll come back for the book, actually. Will you hold it for me?"

"Of course, darling."

I run off with my belongings—not much, just little things in my leather pouch, as I couldn't pack more without my parents noticing—and my new wand. The wood buzzes in my hand, as if sensing the newfound power within me.

Now what? I ran through this scenario plenty of times. The step that makes most sense was the one I looked forward to. But it fills me with apprehension now. Should I make my first attempt at slaying a monster? Yes, I will. I know I already let my parents down, but it's letting myself down that will truly doom me as a new mage.

I head west. Less powerful monsters spawn nearer to the towns. So I shouldn't be afraid of dying and turning into a ghost. I could test out my powers, confirming that I really am meant to be here.

I exit through a shimmering mist, the sign that the protection of Kara will leave me. The cold of the forest strikes me, and an undercurrent of fear grips my heart.

I remember dreaming about the first time I'd fight a monster. I imagined wielding my weapon and summoning a Wave, the most simple attack from a mage. But even now, I can't focus on using a skill—what that would even mean or entail.

But soon enough, I take a turn away from some other beginner mages. I enter a small path that leads into deeper shadows. I stand and wait.

Soon, a Jelly spawns.

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