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The goddess fought with humans, her creation, and the battle was so fierce that she split into four beings, the goddess' avatars. These four beings, gaining followers from all corners of the world, split the world into four classes—mage, warrior, archer, and rogue.

Although the classes fought in the beginning, they united when monsters began to form due to the goddess' split. Now, they live by forming teams and guilds to take down the monsters.

The Following, a group dedicated to reunite the goddess, lives in opposition to the class system. Their sole goal is to find a way back to the harmonious time. They anticipate that "the goddess is coming back soon" and will do everything to disrupt the current system.

The monsters going into "ravage mode" seem to confirm the Following's theory. The monsters are turning more aggressive than ever, and new species are beginning to attack Blossom World. With guild rivalries splitting the continents, and the attacks plaguing the citizens, Blossom World needs a change and a hero.

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