Chapter 8

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"Fuck," I groaned as Mindy slid her hand under my shirt. Her lips pulled into a smile against my chest but my focus wasn't on her anymore. She was background noise now.

From my position against the wall leading to the hallway, I had a perfect view of the front door as Britney stepped in wearing a tight pink crop top and matching skirt that barely reached her thighs. I've seen her so many times during the school year and it never got any easier. I was so surprised when she walked up to me in the cafe that I didn't know how to react. Even at this very moment, I still don't know how to react.

I barely registered the movement of the girl pressed against me as Britney looked around the room like a deer in headlights. I glanced around the room, expecting to see Gianna but she was nowhere to be found.

Was she here alone?

Just when I was about to walk up to her, her features washed with relief. I followed her line of vision and clenched my fist as I watched Derek walk up to her. Didn't she just tell me that they weren't a thing? I was drinking but I was certain that we had that conversation last night.

Derek pulled her into a hug as she smiled up to him. The two of them exchanged words and I wanted nothing more than to hear what they were saying.

"Are you okay?" Mindy asked, snapping my attention from the two in the doorway. I cleared my throat to buy myself a little time. She pushed her blonde hair over her shoulder, eyes wide with expectation.

I nodded and forced a smile that felt more like a grimace, "In here is just a little hot with all these people," I rambled, trying to find any excuse to give her and judging by the look on her face, she wasn't buying it.

Her eyebrows quirked, lips downturned at the corners, "Sure," She quipped, spinning around to look out at the crowd, "What are you even looking at, anyway?"

My heart thudded in my chest as her eyes fell to where I was staring a few moments ago. A soft sigh of relief left my lungs to find Britney and Derek were gone. That relief was short-lived when it hit me that Britney and Derek were gone. I clenched and unclenched my fist, willing the tension to leave my body. She wasn't my problem. I didn't care about what she was doing nor who she was doing it with.

"If you're done being weird, I'd like to continue where we left off."

Mindy's green eyes snapped back up to mine, a coy smile playing on her lips, "My pleasure."

I forced another smile, watching her go up on her toes to kiss me. Our lips met in the softest of kisses. That was the thing I liked about Mindy- she was kind and gentle. We moved in sync, her fingers lacing behind my neck as I snaked my arms around her waist.

She moaned softly, a sound I've heard from her a few times already but this time it pulled me away and plucked me right in the past. I didn't want to relive it. I couldn't bring myself to even think of it so I pulled away from here, making sure to keep my arms around her. The last thing I wanted to do was make her upset, especially since I had plans for her tonight.

Her eyes fluttered open at the very moment disappointment flashed through them. I pretended to not notice and smirked at her.

"I need a drink." I slid my hand down to her ass, pulling her flush against my body, a red tint spreading across her cheeks. "Are you coming?"

Mindy shook her head, biting her lip, "My friends will kill me if I spend the entire night with you. I'll go hang out with them for a bit and hook up with you later." She winked and walked away.

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