Chapter 6

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As soon as I stepped foot into the backyard, I immediately regretted not forcing Ryder to tag along. My eyes landed on Scarlett and Mindy, two of Jaxon's most recent flings? Friends? I had no idea what they even were to him and it wasn't my business anyway.

Gianna bumped my shoulder, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, I just need a drink."

She nodded, grabbed my hand and pulled me into the house and towards the kitchen. I mixed a vodka cranberry for myself and she made vodka and orange juice. In a matter of seconds, both of us had our drinks finished and were pouring another. What's fun about being at a party completely sober?

"I need to pee. Are you coming with?" Gianna blurted out halfway through her drink. I shook my head and she shrugged, downing the rest of her drink. "I'll be right back, don't move."

I watched as Gianna walked back the way we came. I pulled out my phone and scrolled through Instagram. As quickly as my sister left, she came back... or so I thought. My eyes lifted from my phone and landed on the one pair of brown eyes that I was hoping to avoid.

Jaxon stopped wordlessly beside me and poured himself a drink. I looked up at him, expecting him to have some sort of manners but I was wrong.

"Well, hello to you too," I said. He turned, eyes roaming down my body then focusing on my eyes.

He leaned against the counter and brought his drink to his lips, "Hi."

"How are you?"


I rolled my eyes and downed the rest of my drink as something inside of me ignited, "What is your problem?" It wasn't like he said anything bad but his whole demeanour was irritating me and there was something about his tone that rubbed me the wrong way.

He scoffed, "You're really going to keep acting like you don't know?"

I folded my arms across my chest, the movement pulling his attention there for a split second then back up to my eyes, "What are you even talking about, Jaxon?"

"I'm not about to do this whole back and forth with you. If you want to play dumb, go right ahead but I'm not entertaining it." His tone was razor-sharp as he spoke and his gaze harsh. I blinked at him and opened my mouth to speak.

"I'm ready for my third drink," Gi announced as she came into the room. She slowed her steps as her gaze flicked between Jaxon and I, "Is everything okay in here?"

I shifted my stare back to Jaxon and his focus was still on me. He took another sip and nodded.

He pushed himself from the counter, "Everything's great," He said as he left the room.

When I was sure that he was gone, I let out a deep breath, "Okay, what was that?"

"What was what?"

Gi grabbed my wrist, "Don't play that shit with me right now. What happened in here?"

I shrugged, "Nothing really. I tried to make small talk and he got all snappy."

"Hm. Maybe he needs to get laid... just like you," She commented in that sickly sweet voice as she made another drink for herself and me.

"I'm sure he isn't lacking," I grumbled and took the drink she was offering me.

She sighed, "Let's just enjoy the party, okay? The only thing we're thinking about is how much we can drink tonight."

"I drove us here."

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