Chapter 2

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I grabbed another handful of popcorn and ate each piece as quickly as possible, snuggling up to my best friend even more.

"Okay, what's bothering you?"

My head snapped up to Ryder and I shrugged, "What do you mean?"

"You ate half the popcorn and we're not even five minutes into the movie so start talking."

I groaned and scooted away from him to get a better look, "Just thinking about a guy. That's all," I said and from his raised eyebrow and lack of response, I knew I needed to carry on, "What do you think of Jaxon Baker?"

Ryder's dark brows knitted together, the sound of the movie gradually fading, "I have no idea who that is."

Of course he didn't. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my phone from the coffee table. He was only a year older than me but somehow had zero clue who most of the people in my year group were. Well, other than the girls he dated. I pulled up his Instagram and turned the phone to him, yanking my hand away when he tried to grab it.

"Look with your eyes. I don't want you accidentally liking one of his pictures," I instructed, extending my arm back out to him.

Ryder nodded, "Yeah, he seemed cool the few times I spoke to him. Is he the one that's got you all caught up?" His blue eyes searched mine as I tried to find a way to say what I had to without sounding weird.

I nodded. It's not like we hid anything from each other so I didn't need to overthink this, "Kind of. Gianna told me that I need to get a boyfriend since I've been bitching a lot lately and need someone to sort that out. Her words, not mine." I was cut off by the obnoxious sound of him trying to muffle his laughter, tears welling in the corners of his eyes.

"I mean... She does have a point-" I shot him a look and he held his hands up, palms facing me." My bad. Continue."

"As I was saying... She suggested that I try to talk to Jaxon and before you ask, no, I don't know why. Anyways, we went to the café yesterday and I said hi to him and he looked at me like he hated me or something."

Ryder reached over and pulled me into his chest with a light squeeze. My body relaxed against his and I let out a soft sigh as he spoke, "Take it from me, the guy is lucky that you're even interested in him. I have to ask though," He said and paused for a second. I nodded for him to go on, "Are you doing this as one of those stupid bets you used to do with your sister or because you actually want to?"

If I never thought of those bets again, it would still be too soon.

"He's really cute and I liked him last year. I guess the feelings never fully went away." I admitted aloud for the first time.

"Then see where it goes. The worst that could happen is that he doesn't like you back and you'll move on with me right beside you to help."

I snuggled into his chest with a small smile, "I love you. I hope you know that."

"Obviously, I'm great."

I rolled my eyes and slapped his chest. Leave it up to him to ruin a perfectly good moment.

After a few moments of silence, I reached across his body and grabbed the remote from beside him, raising the volume on the movie again. We had watched it twice before so we weren't missing anything special.

"Oh! I almost forgot to tell you about this girl I met at uni. She's two years older, smart and ridiculously beautiful." I perked up at this. It had been a few months since he'd shown any interest in someone, "We went on two dates but haven't kissed yet. Other than that, she's great company."

I laughed and how he slid that piece of information in there, "That must be killing you." I pulled away to get a better look at his face. He grimaced with a sharp nod.

"You need to see her and you'd know just how much having self control is a pain in my ass. She's worth it though."

"How can you be so sure?"

He smirked and relaxed into the couch, his arm still around my shoulder pulled me back with him. Ryder used his free hand to scratch his beard, "She just gives off that type of energy. I don't know how else to explain it."

"Maybe she can teach you a thing or two with her being an older woman and all."

Ryder raised his eyebrow at me, "I know a lot as it is."

I gave him a sarcastic nod with a small smile tugging at the corner of my lips, "Yup... sure."

"It's not my fault you never took me up on my offer to see for yourself." He chuckled and tightened his grip on me.

I laughed along with him as I remembered the day he jokingly offered to show me a few things. It had been three years ago on this very couch. I was ranting about not having my first kiss while he had already has sex a few times. Neither of us took the statement very seriously.

"How about this? If in five years I haven't done it, and you're still single, we'll give it a try."

Ryder's eyes snapped down to mine, his blue ones piercing through my brown ones, "You're kidding, right?"

"Of course I'm kidding!" I choked out through my fit of giggles at how his head almost exploded, "You can't handle all this ass."

He chuckled and relaxed again, "You have no idea how wrong you are."


Hey everyone! Chapter 2 is up. I'm trying to get these up as fast as possible but I'm also now currently writing each chapter as I post them so let's see how that goes.

I hope you like Ryder and Britney's friendship and that you're enjoying the story so far.

Let me know what you think?

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