Vegetables?! Seriously?! (TF 141 x OC) Part 1

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Alright, time for some fun and a personal headcannon. Let's be honest, these men eat like shit while out on missions. Indy is here trying to make sure they get nutrition the few times they manage to find time to cook a meal themselves. Enoy the sillies. Also, this one is all me. :)


Every time the team went on a mission, they ate MRE's. The food served its purpose, filling their stomachs and making sure that it kept them going. 

The few times they were on break and could cook up their own food, Indy always volunteered for kitchen duty. The men thought nothing of it, simply seeing it as one less thing they had to worry about.

Indy, on the other hand, has been plotting and scheming for some time now. Ever since she joined and saw the lack of nutrition in most of what they ate, she took it upon herself to make sure that the men she worked got some form of nutrition into their bodies.

At first, she started out by just putting vegetables onto their plates. When she saw that didn't work, she decided to just hide it in their food and has been doing it every since.

Breakfast this morning is no different.

"Roach, do me a favor and drag Soap out of bed. I know we have the next few days off, but at this rate, I'm sure he'll sleep the whole day away if we let him."

He nods and heads of to grab Soap right as Price and Ghost come for food.

"Good morning, Captain, Lt." She gives them each a nod before handing them their breakfast. "Pancakes, hashbrowns, eggs, and bacon. There's muffins on the table, too."

"We can always count on you to go all out when it comes to breakfast." Price chuckles as he takes a seat and digs in.

"You boys already know cooking is my passion. I'll take any chance I get to be able to do it."  Indy hands Ghost his usual tea before setting Price's coffee down next to his plate.

"It's good, even as you insist on giving us an American breakfast." Ghost grunts. 

"Oh, I'm so sorry." She responds sarcastically. "Beans and toast for breakfast are just so much better." She says with an eye roll.

Scottish curse words come down the hall as Roach runs and takes cover behind Ghost. "Get back here ya asshole! I'll tan yer hide for that dirty trick!"

Indy quickly moves to stand in front of Soap with a muffin in hand, shoving part of it into his mouth. 

He goes to complain but stops as he chews on the muffin and just glares at her. "... yer lucky this is good, lass." Soap moves to the table and takes a seat, continuing to eat the muffin.

"Alright, that's everyone except for Gaz." She says, knowing she's missing a soldier. She turns around to grab breakfast for Soap and Roach only to see Gaz serving himself. "Ah. There he is."

She panics slightly and moves towards him quickly. "I-I got it, Gaz. Go sit and I'll bring you your plate."

Gaz just gives her a confused look before shrugging and doing as told.  Indy relaxes once he leaves and serves up the plates before putting them down in front of the men.

She sits down with her own breakfast and listens to the men as they talk and joke. They are a close-knit group and have never really had any issues. 

Ghost stays behind to help cleaning up the kitchen after breakfast. Indy gladly accepts and they clean up the kitchen together. Everything goes perfect right before Ghost taps her shoulder and hold up a notebook.

"Indy, what's this?" His tone of voice is curious.


"It's just my recipe book. Nothing to worry about." She quickly reaches out to take it but Ghost pulls it out of her reach.

"Really? Then why are you so nervous?" Damn Ghost and his perceptivness.

Indy sighs, knowing she gave herself away. "It's the recipe book I use when cooking for you guys."

"That doesn't explain why you're nervous." He says, crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow at her.

"Those a-are the 'sneaky veggies' recipies. O-ones I created, and researched, in order t-to get you guys to eat h-healthier." She admits with a small stutter.

Ghost narrows his eyes at her. "You've been sneaking vegetables into our food?"

She nods and panicks as he flips through the notebook.

"The protein shake you make me is in this book. There's spinach in it?!" He asks in disbelief.

Indy quickly takes the notebook from him before he can read any further. "Alright, alright, so I've been sneaking vegetables into a lot of things. But it was for a good reason!"

"How long have you been doing this?" Ghost demands to know.

"Ugh, I've been doing it since I first joined the team. The recipe book has only grown since." She admits with a groan.

He stares at her for a second before Indy hears the last thing she expects. Ghost is chuckling. "You've been sneaking vegetables into our food for almost an entire year?"

She sighs in relief now that Ghost doesn't look like he's about to beat her into a pulp. "Y-yeah. It's been hard, but I manage."

"Is that why you won't let us serve ourselves or help you in the kitchen? Trying to make sure we don't find any of the evidence?" He's still laughing as he asks.

Indy nods at that. "It's the only way I could make sure I didn't get caught. A bunch of good that did me when I end up leaving the notebook in plain sight."

Ghost thinks for a second before speaking. "We'll keep this a secret between us, but I want to know what you snuck into our breakfast and any other food you've been feeding us."

"Yeah, that's fair." She sighs before revealing her little tricks. "There was pumpkin and sweet potatoe in the pancakes. The muffins were apple, but I snuck in a hint of carrot juice."

He stares at her, dumbfounded. "... what the hell else have you been sneaking?"

She chuckles nervously before showing him the recipe for the protein shake she makes him. "It is a strawberry and bluberry smoothie with protein powder in it. The grainy texture from the strawberries and blueberries hide the texture from the spinach, while the color of the berries blend in well with the beets I add."

"... okay, so you're some sort of mad scientist when it comes to blending and mixing foods that aren't supposed to go together?" Ghost asks, still looking dumbfounded. "Because I would've never guessed that was in there. All I tasted was just blueberries and strawberries."

"Yeah, well. That's the point." Indy snickers. "How else would I get you to drink it?"

Ghost chuckles, too. "Alright, I'm gonna need you to tell me what you sneak into our food after every meal. I'm gonna see if I can guess where you hid it."

"Deal. Just make sure not to tell the team."



This is part one. I'm gonna have another part with the rest of the team finding out about Indy's little schemes. Let me know what you think!

Also, before I forget, I'm gonna be posting a new story. The first 2 chapters will be posted by next week, Wednesday or Thrusday. It is a COD story, so keep an eye out for it!

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