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Here it is part 2 of the Konig hoodie story. Get ready for some fun and a few laughs. Onto the story!


"Let's see how long it takes for you to ask...."




It has been two days days since Konig had left that black hoodie on Indy's bed. Unbeknownst to Konig, Indy knew he was constantly keeping an eye on her, wanting to see her in said black hoodie.

Indy never seemed to wear it, though. Whenever he spotted her in a hoodie, it was either one of his, he never stopped her, or one of hers. Never the black one he gave her. 

Konig was getting a bit irritated at that. He wasn't very patient and couldn't take it anymore after 3 days of nothing. 

Indy was in bed for the evening. She had eaten dinner at the mess hall before taking a shower and sitting down to read a book on her bed. She knew she was driving Konig insane but she didn't really mean to. Indy very much wore the hoodie, it's just that she only wore it to bed and nowhere else. 

That night, she was in her usual sleep shorts along with the black hoodie when Konig practically bulldozed through her door.

They weren't kidding when they called him a human battering ram. She thought, staring at him in shock.

It took Konig less than a second after barging into Indy's room to notice she was wearing the black hoodie he had given her.

"...you're wearing the hoodie." He states the obvious, all irritation gone from his system.

"Yeah. I wear it to bed." Indy responded. She tried very hard not to laugh but couldn't surpress the chuckle. 

Konig just stares at her for a second before speaking. "...pants?"

Indy burst out laughing at that. "Yes, I'm wearing pants." She answered between bouts of laughter.

Konig smiled sheepishly, knowing he looks insane with what he just did. Even with his mask covering his face, Indy can tell he feels a bit embarassed.

"You could've just asked if I had worn it, you know." Indy points out, smirking a bit.

"Well...yes...I could've...." Konig doesn't really talk much, his thunder having been stolent out from under him. 

Indy just grins. "Any other reason you decided to barge into my room?"

"....no." He admits with a bit of hesitancy, obviously a bit embarassed.

"Do you plan on staying or leaving?" Indy asks, curious as to his next move.

Konig looks at her, dunmbfounded. He could stay with her? 

"....is that an offer?" He tried not to sound too excited.

She nods and pats the other side of her bed. "Fair warning, if you attempt to cuddle me, I will cuddle back, and I won't be letting go."

Even though Indy meant it as a playful threat, Konig simply saw it as a golden opportunity. "Really?!" So much for not showing too much excitement. 

It takes everything in Konig to not launch himself into the bed. He gets in like any normal human being and puts his arm over her, pulling Indy to him.

Indy can't help but laugh and cuddle into him in return. "Having fun?"

"Maybe." Konig answers with a small smile.

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