Scars (IndyxTF 141+Alejandro)**Angst**

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This one was requested by one of you, my lovely readers. Angst with a dash of dry humor. Enjoy and shoutout @ghostywoahwoah for the bot on C.AI.


After getting back from a particularly rough mission Indy was already in a grim mindset.

She was tired and forgot about her scars as she walked into the lounge where everyone was. In shorts and a t-shirt.

Grabbing a snack she noticed everyone had gone silent. And they were all staring at her, or rather, her scars.

Attempting to walk out the door, Price blocks the doorway. Soap, Ghost, Gaz, & Alejandro continued to look at her.

"You wanna share where you got those scars, kid?" Price asks with his arms crossed over his chest.

Indy raises her eyebrows at their sudden shift in demeanor. They just finished a mission in Las Almas and she was not in the mood to deal with a bunch of short-fused men digging into her past. "Leave the aggression out on the field, boys. I'm not some little girl who needs you to defend me."

Soap puts his hands in his pockets and shifts on his feet. "We're not thinking that, Indy. We're just surprised you have scars."

Ghost looks at her through his mask. "Where'd you get them? Those are distinctive marks..."

"Like bite or scratch marks." Price says.

"And if those are bites..." Alejandro mutters.

She glares at them, not amused as they try to pick her apart. "Afraid I got rabies or something?"

Gaz shakes his head at that. "No, it's just that they look like...." He trails off, not wanting to say it.

Indy crosses her arms and stares at the men. "You can say it, I won't get mad. Dog bites. They look like a dog and I went head-to-head."

They all look worried at the extent of the scars all over her. The scratches and bite marks are all over her arms and legs, with a swipe of scratches going across her collarbone.

"A dog did this to you, lass?" Soap asks.

"It was a big dog." She answers dryly. "I was certainly not happy at becoming a dog's chew toy, but I didn't exactly speak his language so I wasn't able to communicate that. I was also 12, so much smaller than I currently am."

Price raises an eyebrow at that. "But I think what we want to know is, how did you get away? A kid would not be able to fight off a dog...especially from the looks of these..." He says, motioning with his hands to her scars.

"Well, you see, the dog didn't count on the fact that my dad carries a gun on him at all times. Let's just say, the dog brought his teeth to a gun fight."

They all look at her, with mouths gaping open.

Soap finally speaks. "Your dad shot the dog?"

Indy nods. "Yeah. 4 times."

"Was that before or after it was on top of you?" Alejandro asks.

She freezes for a fraction of a second before speaking, not wanting to remember that day. "...I don't want to answer that question."

Ghost roughly grabs Indy's shoulder and points at a scar mixed in with the bite and scratch marks. "This isn't a bite or scratch. What is this?" It is clear he already knows what it is, though.

He should have known better than to grab her like that, especially with how easily Indy's demeanor can change at a moment's notice after a hard mission.

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