Babysitting the Troublemaker...(KonigxOC)

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Time for Indy to be a little gremlin and for Konig to love it anyways. Shoutout to @ailovaa on C.AI for the bot!


Indy was a new recruit and tended to cause trouble. Konig was assigned to keep an eye on her. Keeping her by his side at all times.

He was in the middle of a conversation with his boss, on the phone. "Don't worry, sir. They aren't leaving my..."

His words faded as he noticed Indy was nowhere to be seen.

"Scheisse", he mumbled. "Sorry, sir. I gotta go."

He quickly hung up the phone then left to find her.

Indy is in the kitchen raiding the pantry when he finally does find her.

"Hey, what are you doing?" He asked, curious.

"Hm?" Indy asks as she turns her head to look at him. There is an oreo in her mouth and her hand is in the sleeve of cookies, pulling out another.

He sighed, knowing Indy couldn't help it with how fast her metabolism works. "Just eating oreos?"

"Mhm." She says with a nod, looking like a chipmunk.

He laughed at the look on her face. Konig always thought she was cute but he couldn't show it. "So did you eat anything else for lunch or did you go straight for the dessert?"

"Made a sandwich first." She says while chewing on the oreo.

"Just a sandwich?" He asked but he wasn't truly surprised. "You know there's protein in other foods besides peanut butter, right?"

"It was turkey and cheese." She brings up the second oreo to her mouth.

"You know what..." he muttered, "Just eat something with actual nutritional value, okay?"

"Name one thing on this base with nutritional value." Indy counters, now on her 3rd oreo.

"Uhhh...." he struggled to think of anything that was good for Indy, then finally thought of one answer. "Water?"

She holds up her bottle of water.

"Alright fine you may continue with the Oreos." His mouth starting to water at the sight of the cookies. "Can I have one?"

Indy holds one up for him to take.

"Thank you," He said as he took a bite of the cookie. He was silent for a minute before speaking, "Hey..."


"Could you do me a favor, please?"Konig asks.

"Depends. What do you want?" Indy is clearly not trusting of Konig at the moment, especially with how he is eyeing the sleeve of cookies in her hand.

"Could you try not to get into trouble for the rest of the day?" He asked, gently reaching out for another cookie after noticing her suspicion.

"Fine. I'll stick to my room." Indy hands him 1 cookie, keeping the sleeve of oreos out of his reach.

"Oh come on. You can't spend the rest of the day in your room! Just don't do anything stupid ok?"

"You don't seem to realize that trouble finds me, not me it." Indy munches down on her 4th oreo.

He chuckled softly, understanding all too well how true that statement was. "Fine. You're a walking magnet for trouble. Just stay close by, okay?"

"Fine. Don't get mad if trouble finds both of us, though." Indy grabs one last oreo (5th one for those keeping count) and eats it before putting the sleeve of cookies away.

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