chapter six

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khamyri a'lesia koltonfour months later

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khamyri a'lesia kolton
four months later

"mymy, bear!" sinclaire squealed running up to me and mari, she greeted me with a hug and kiss on the cheek before scooping mari up and walking away with him.

"well f me then" i jerk my head back and wiped a fake tear from my eye as i waddled behind them. we stopped walking and sat down in a booth in the food court.

i let out a heavy sigh, "this little girl is draining the life out of me." i pout, taking a sip from my water bottle.

sinclaire laughed, "not too much on my godson."

"mtch, bean is not a boy, please stop. bean bout to get evicted, fuck you mean." i mug, cutting my eyes at her again.

"you and this damn 'tude of yours ho, you lucky i love ya ass." she pursed her lips at me, i laugh and made a kissy face, blowing it at her.

"mari ya mommy got a nasty attitude, tell her take a chill pill." sinclaire looked down at mari who was smacking away at his waffle fries from chick-fil-a.

"take a chill pill mommy!" mari semi-loudly said, making me and sinclaire bust out laughing.

"bye, little boy." i playfully wave him off and roll my eyes.

"im not a little boy! im a man, mommy!" he pouted, folding his arms.

"you are a big boy, but you'll always be mommy's first little baby." i pucker my lips and he does the same, leaning toward me.

i lean in to give him a kiss but he turns his head so i kiss his cheek. we stay at the mall til it closed.

sinclaire, mari, and i go back to my house. i put mari down for bed while sinclaire put the hibachi she made for us away.

"mommy?" jhymari innocently looked up at me as i tucked him into bed.

"yes, baby?" i raise my eyebrow at him looking directly into his brown eyes.

"is daddy coming to visit? i miss him so much." jhymari sniffled, his eyes brimming with tears.

my heart broke as he wiped his eyes, "daddy getting better bear, okay. he will visit very soon." i lied, hoping for the best that jhyzir got himself in order for him and our children.

i tried to reach out to him once i officially found out i was pregnant with baby number two, but i haven't heard from him.

i reached out to our friends, my sister and aunt, but neither couldn't get him either. "it's time for bed, okay bear." i silently wiped my tears that he couldn't see due to the darkness of his room with the minor exception of his nightlight.

"ok." he pouts, i kiss his forehead and he kisses mine and rubs my belly.

"night night, bean." he cheeses, lightly kissing my small pudge. i smile warmly at the interaction, hoping for the very best outcome for my growing family.

i begin to walk out of his room i crack the door on my way out and turn the light off in the hallway before going into the living room.

"why did mari just ask me about jhyzir, he wanted to know if he was coming to visit." i frown plopping down on the couch.

"damn. have you heard from him since you left?" sinclaire raised her brow at me, shrugging.

"not since the second week here. Riel gave him my new number and he texted me a couple of times then they stopped. i worry about him at times, but i can't keep doing this shit with him." i groan, wiping my tears as they wouldn't stay in.

"awh, come here." sinclaire frowned pulling me into her, giving me a comforting hug while rubbing my back. i silently cried on her shoulder.

my hormones and emotions are all over the place with this pregnancy. "anyways, what are we doing for the official gender reveal?" sinclaire cleared her throat, trying to change the sensitivity of the subject.

"i haven't decided yet, but i think i want to go back home and do one with the entire family." i warmly smile at the thought.

"say no more." sinclaire nods.

the gender reveal is in three and a half weeks, hopefully that gives me some time to talk things over with jhyzir & get me some answers.


Helloooooo 🥰!!

um, sooo riri is 🤰🏽


sinclaire alouri kolton-smith
(cousin on dad's side) 🥰

sinclaire alouri kolton-smith(cousin on dad's side) 🥰

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