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Theme: Blue tone: Demons

It starts we see Logan looking up as psychiatrist was talking

It starts we see Logan looking up as psychiatrist was talking

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Psychiatrist: Your daughter Clara, She's a good kid?

Logan: A good kid? yes, at least she tries to be. But sometimes, she can be naive. I love her to death. But she's gonna be the death of me, But I would gladly die for her.

Psychiatrist: hmmm, And what about you, Logan?

Logan: What about me?

Psychiatrist: Any problems? Sexual? Anger?

Logan: Well to tell you the truth, my sexual problems have gone down im all focused fully on Carmilla.

Psychiatrist: That is impressive news Logan, And your anger?

Logan: OK, My anger has gotten The Best of Me a little too much.

Psychiatrist: We all have anger problems Logan, It's better to channel that anger into something creative.

Logan: Yeah, thanks, doc.

Psychiatrist: OK, that's all the time we have Mr. Carmine, Will payment be as usual?

Logan pulls out a lot of cash and puts it on. The psychiatrist's table.

Logan: Don't go doing nothing with that that I wouldn't do.

Psychiatrist: See you next time, Mr. Carmine.

Logan: See you next time, doc.

It then shows Logan Walk in the streets of imp city As he sees some imps Robbing a store. And then sees some hellhounds doing some drug deals. He then sees some Unpleasant alleyway intercourse and immediately covers his eyes and walks away. He then sees a hobo trying to grab a Empty bottle of booze.

Logan: I know just how you feel, buddy.

He then sits down on a bench With his hand covering his head.

???: Ah shit no where is it? Hey excuse me sir!

He turns to see a male incubus

He turns to see a male incubus

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GTA: 5 HelluvaHazbin Edition(Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now