Chapter 47 Returning to the Homeland

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Ronnie's talk of soon was three years in the future, and a lot had changed in those three years. After a year in the deluxe room, they moved out, Ronnie and Park Hye moved into a double room on the 9th floor, number 35, and their daughter was born, named "Catherine". Park Hye named her after the heroine of the last movie. Alice and Butch also moved in together, living next to Ronnie in room number 33. At the age of four, Vega was enrolled at the Three Wolves Home, where she received the most formal education in the city-state. The House of the Three Wolves is made up of children over the age of three, divided into groups of three, with four groups of four, each group of twelve, and a guardian from the House of the Three Wolves living in one of the luxury rooms. At the age of 16, they have to leave the house on the third day after the graduation ceremony and can request a single room. Little Vega rarely comes home now, only once a month, and most of the time she lives at the House of the Three Wolves.

Ronnie's chip had been successfully developed, for which he was awarded the Order of the Holy Virgin, Second Class. But this time he chose not to live in the luxury room, but in the original house. Crockett and Lily were the first two people implanted with the chip, they now have the same unforgettable eyes as Ronnie, the difference was that they had all the knowledge in the chip, as long as you remember the catalog can be easily found, as if everyone had a portable library. Implantation of the chip is voluntary, and there are now more than 100,000 people in the New World who have chosen this way of learning. Alice waited three years for Ronnie to find her father, and now that she had seen that his chip had been successfully developed, she went to see him to discuss her father's business: "Ronnie, do you remember what you promised me three years ago?"

"Of course I remember, sister, when are you leaving?"

"The sooner the better, tomorrow we'll go and take a vacation, then get ready, the day after tomorrow we'll leave."

The siblings finished their discussion and on the third day of their departure, Park Hye took Ronnie's hand, "When will you be back?"

"It should be soon, if everything goes well, we'll be back in about ten days."

Park Hye still wanted to make out with her husband, Alice got impatient waiting outside and urged, "Ronnie, go, don't hesitate, I've been waiting for you for three years."

Hearing his sister's urgent call outside the door, Ronnie reluctantly stepped out. The City-state train was only for City-state insiders and their relatives. There weren't many people on the train when the siblings boarded. "It took less than an hour for the knight train to arrive in Tecoman.

"That fast!" Alice said in surprise, "I should have known I'd come alone, back then we had to travel for months to get to 'Shire Town'."

There was also a very small cluster of city-states near Tecoman, with only thirty or so city-states. The siblings left the station and walked for another hour before arriving at East Floating Street in the city of Aesira, the siblings' hometown. They were back after fifteen years. Ronnie remembered Uncle Subaru from his childhood, he and Alice discussed it, and the two decided to go to him first to ask for information. Using their childhood memories, the duo soon found Uncle Subaru's house. They were greeted by Subaru's son, Jules, who was not friendly with the siblings. He told them that his father had died four years ago, and that his father had given him a letter to give to Ronnie and his sister before he died. Jules went back into the house, took out the letter, and handed it to Ronnie. Ronnie opened the envelope, which wasn't sealed, and took out the letter, only to see that it was covered in strange writing, an encoded script unique to the Watson family that only Ronnie could read. His mother had taught him when she was alive. As soon as he saw the letter, he knew that it had been left to him by his father, he felt that the letter could not be deciphered for a while, and after expressing his gratitude to Jules, he left with Alice. The siblings found a secluded spot and Ronnie began to read the letter while Alice, unable to read a word, could only stand by and wait. After three hours, Ronnie finished the letter. She asked anxiously, "What does it say?"

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