Chapter 9

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Alicia nibbled on her cereal while browsing for clinics on her phone, struggling to concentrate as the surrounding chatter intensified. With a sigh, she turned off her phone, pondering the possibility of obtaining an abortion without her parents' knowledge. As she idly stirred her cereal, she couldn't shake off the feeling of foolishness, berating herself for believing that Kamil had genuine feelings for her. "Yeah, that's her Juana girl." "That's the bitch he was cheating on you with?" Alicia lifted her gaze toward two girls conversing at the table across from her. One, with a look of disdain, was staring directly at Alicia as she spoke to her companion, "I can't believe this nigga tried to play me for some monkey-looking hoe,  Kamil needs his ass whoop." Alicia's eyes stiffen at the remark as she speaks up, "You over there talking mad shit, but ain't saying none of the shit to my face!" The girls both turn around as the heavyset light-skin one says, "What the fuck did you just say to us? Girl don't get yourself hurt!" She says as Alicia ignores her staring at the brown-skin girl, her eyes tracing over her as she tells her, "You were just barking your gums, seems like you don't have shit to say now?"

"Bitch you better watch your fucking mouth, lil sleazy ass slut," The brown-skin girl screams as people from other tables start paying attention wondering what's happening. Alicia stood up from her chair, pregnant or not she wasn't going to let these hoes talk to her like she was stupid. "You come over here and make me watch my mouth," Alicia lets her know as the heavy-set girl stands in place of her friend. Alicia wasn't any fool, she dealt with these types of bitches before, she knew what timing they were on, the type that liked to jump. "You quiet now bitch? Should've kept your mouth shut, but you too busy putting it on her niggas dick where it doesn't belong!" The girl tells Alicia, and Alicia balls her fist at the statement. "Girl, this doesn't even entertain you you acting like that's yo fucking man?" Alicia screams at the girl seeing the anger in her face become more transparent as she stomps her hefty ass towards her. 

"Oh shit, Big Shirley is about to stomp her lil ass out!" Alicia hears somebody say from the crowd forming. The smell of Cheetos from the girl's breath was enough to make Alicia vomit as she stared into the girl's face. The girl was thrice her size on the level of borderline obesity, but Alicia was never one to back down from fights, and it wasn't her first time going against a girl much more massive than her. "Bitch I'll slap the fuck out of you and turn your ass darker than you already are," The girl breaths out harshly, and Alicia could laugh at how piggish she sounded.  "Is ya'll gonna fight or  what? I ain't got a lot of memory on my phone," Alicia hears another person from the crowd say.  Alicia stared at the girl in front of her then her eyes trailed toward the girl's friend who was now standing on her feet probably waiting for her friend to start swinging so that she could get some hits for herself.  "Say aren't you that girl with the deaf brother?" Alicia's eyes flickered back onto the pig girl in front of her, she was now grinning as Alicia stared at her emotionless.  "Yeah, you are the one with that freak of a brother, not only is he deaf and mute, but he is a faggot too, no wonder you were walking around here not claiming him, if he was my brother I wouldn't want anything to fo with that dick in the booty nigga either." She tells Alicia making Alicia's breath hitch silently as she could hear the laughter of the people around her. 

The giggles from Kamil's current bitch only enraged her more as she listen to this pig go on and on about her brother. "Aww did I strike a nerve? You don't even need to hang around your brother to make you a freak, you're a freak without his presence. Look at how dark you are, Do you think a man wants a roach like you in his arms?" She taunts Alicia some more pushing her slightly as she bumps her lower back against the round table. "You just gonna take that?" Alicia hears a female voice from the group of people as one fills the room. "And she said something about your brother, let that be me I'll roll her dough belly ass" Another voice comes from the crowd followed by voices of agreement. Alicia takes a deep breath releasing it as the girl pushes her shoulder again. "Cunt, Hoe, Slut!" "That's why your brother is a fag-  THWACK! Alicia punches her dead in the nose, followed by another one towards her lip as she stumbles back. More punches follow connecting blows as she feels herself being pulled by her hair. "Bitch!" Alicia feels a punch from the heavyset girl's friend connect with her right jaw as she stumbles to the side grabbing her face. Big Shirley lay on the floor, still trying to recover as Alicia goes for  Juanna.

See Me, Hear Meजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें