
712 12 27

{Trigger Warning}
• Smut

{Additional Warnings}
•Praise kink
•Minor body worship
•Minor nipple play
•Minor hair pulling
•Orgasm delay

{Alternative Universe}

Roxy was mesmerized, absolutely smitten as she took in the view that was on display. There stood her boss, Victoria Charbonneau, the famous model in all of Paris. She was tall, with her long, raven hair having been done in a crown braid, with the extra hair being wavy and loose in the back.

The outfit she adorned on her figure was a tight red dress, hugging her body quite nicely as they helped show off some of her features beautifully. Along with a small black scarf that was tied around her neck.

Her eyes shined like the moon in the night sky as the light reflected off them, with her make-up being able to help make her face be more youthful, more elegant. But Roxy was too distracted as she focused on Victoria's lips that had red lipstick on them.

She was absolutely perfect. Even though Victoria could be a bit prickly, and a bit rough around the edges when around other people. Despite that, she was the complete opposite with Roxy. She was more affectionate, but still a bit blunt at times which the short woman didn't mind too much.

Roxy felt like she was in the presence of a Goddess, to which extent, she was. The short woman viewed Victoria as a porcelain doll, a Goddess who couldn't be touched, whether in fear of her breaking or someone dying at her hands.

However, Roxy knew that Victoria was anything but a fragile figure and knew how to deal with shitty people. She had witnessed her boss going off over the smallest of things. Like how she threatened to fire her make-up crew if they didn't show up in a specific amount of time.

Another incident Roxy saw first hand was how Victoria always defended Roxy, especially from her strict manager who would always berate and belittle Roxy, whether it was her doing a lackluster job or just her existence as a whole.

The auburn woman snapped out of her trance as she noticed her boss was staring directly at her. Roxy couldn't tell what her expression was, since she always wore an unreadable look.

However, she could tell that in Victoria's eyes, she could see her trying to communicate with her. Roxy studies her for a minute, realizing she was telling her assistant that she needed to stay behind after work.

The older woman felt herself tense a bit, feeling a lump in her throat as she swallowed dryly.

Roxy knew that look all too well, mostly because she was the only one who ever got that look from the model. The older woman felt her chest tighten, quickly looking away from the gorgeous woman who stood in front of the camera.

For the rest of the shoot, Roxy would sneak glances at the woman as she felt her cheeks heat up a bit, biting her bottom lip as she got lost in her thoughts.

Victoria felt her body grow slightly laxed, relieved that the photo shoot was done. She felt her cheeks hurt from having to smile in a few photos, much to her dismay. Once she bid the photographer goodbye, she quickly dismissed all her employee's except for one.

They all followed her orders, not wanting to agitate the wild black cat in fear of getting the claws. She watched as they all left one by one, before she let out a small sigh and turned to the dog that stood in place.

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