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{Trigger Warnings}
•Mentions of purging
•Talks of religion
•Hints of survivors guilt
•Hints of child abuse
•Suicidal Thoughts

{Alternate Universe}
•Post Ending 3

Rody couldn't remember the last time he consumed anything meat related. It's been awhile since the incident, after all. Despite this fact, he couldn't eat a proper meal without having to either purge afterwards or consume anything that had no meat in it. Sometimes he wouldn't eat for days due to his paranoia and past memories. To say his life hit a dark, rocky path was an understatement. Rody doesn't feel like himself anymore, no, but was left nothing more than a shell of his former self.

Nothing's been the same since he had burned down the bistro he formerly worked at. He felt so lost, felt as if he left his sanity to be burned down with the building. His mind was constantly being swarmed with nightmares at night, along with seeing visions of people he once knew. While Rody wasn't one to believe in the unexplained, after the first time he saw Manon's figure from Vincent's window, he slowly started to ponder.

He felt his body flinch as he thought about them, their names sending chills throughout his body as if they belonged to the winter's cold. Rody wrapped his worn out blanket around his cold body, trying to find a sense of warmth. Comfort even. He didn't have anyone to turn to; no friends and he hadn't spoken to his parents when he was still attending college.

College. He wonders if his parents still think that he's attending or has dropped out. Even from a young age, his mindset was always to focus on getting good grades and eventually finding a girl as he grew older. Unfortunately, everything went to Hell once he had stepped foot into college. He started to feel lost and confused, experiencing things he had been sure to keep hidden behind closed doors. He still gets haunted by his old self, remembering how arrogant he used to be towards anyone.

His parents had always expected Rody to be excelling at everything, always making sure he was on top of everything. His mother would always lecture him and read bible verses to him as if they were bedtime stories, making sure her son would be pure and not indulged in sinful activities. She would always make Rody pray with her before bed, once he woke up, at the dinner table, anywhere. If anyone were to ask him the bible or pray, Rody would try and shut it down so as to not be reminded of the extent his mother would put him through.

His father, on the other hand, had been strict. He would go on tangents about how excelling in school would land him in a stable job as a businessman. He would always give Rody lessons on girls, telling his son stories about his dating life and how the key to his success was his guitar, something that would be bestowed upon to Rody when he started highschool. His father taught him how to play once he got home from school and his homework was done. If Rody would mess up once, in school or during his guitar lesson, he wouldn't get supper that night and would be forced to correct his mistakes.

Rody still remembers those times where if he had messed up once or failed a test, his father would make sure Rody had learned his lesson, albeit that being using his words or his belt. Rody was grateful that most of the past scars had cleared up as he grew older and was able to escape, but the memories were still fresh like any produce in a grocery store.

Rody self consciously scratched his back, feeling his nails digging into his soft skin. He hissed a bit before removing his hand and having it run through his bird nest hair. He had noticed how long his hair had gotten, something he was glad for since it helped cover up his missing ear. He gingerly touched it, his fingers feeling the hole and remembering how much crimson was pouring out like a waterfall. His body shivered at the memory, remembering feeling Vincent's teeth clamped down, his cold lips touching his skin as he tore it off, watching his boss consume it right in front of him.

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