New beginnings

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{Trigger Warnings}
•Mentions of past murder
•Mention of past attempted murder
•Mentions of threats

{Alternative Universe}

Rody enjoyed his privacy. He found it nice, but he never found peace with it at times, especially since his thoughts haunted him. However, things have changed over the past few weeks, something that Rody is still getting used to. Having Manon and Vincent around was pleasant, but a bit. . . overwhelming at times.

He enjoyed talking to Manon, especially since they were friends now with there being no chance of dating again. Which was probably for the best since Rody couldn't really do anything physical with her, like giving her hugs and kisses. Vincent was...another story.

Rody often found Vincent staring at him, hardly ever uttering a word. On some nights, Rody would find himself waking up be greeted by two red beady dots. He had been spooked many times by his former boss at night, and when it was day, it wasn't better.

Vincent would berate Rody on his living conditions before he goes off saying his living space was better, to which Rody would state his furniture looked more decorations than anything. When the two would get into a mini fight, Manon would watch silently as she didn't feel like getting into the middle of things. However, she would step in whenever Vincent would threaten Rody about possessing him.

When that happened, Rody was taken aback by how sharp and quick she was to step in between Vincent and him. She would start going off to Vincent about how he shouldn't be saying, threatening to possess Rody. Which made the older male wonder what it would be like to be possessed. However, based on the faint talk Manon would have with Vincent, it sounded a bit unpleasant.

Then they would go back to doing their own things; Vincent keeping to himself as he would be away from Rody and Manon, while the latter would engage in a conversation with the living male. Rody is aware he should set some sort of boundaries with his new ghostmates, but he couldn't find it within him to do so. With him not wanting to hurt anyone's feelings —if Vincent had any— Rody just decided to say nothing. Until one day he snapped.

As Rody was pedaling back to his apartment, knowing that Manon and Vincent were waiting for him, part of him had hoped for some privacy. Work didn't go smoothly for him at all. A few customers got angry at him for not remembering their order or when he had asked for them to repeat themselves, it was hard hearing sometimes with his one ear.

Once Rody opened his apartment door, he found Manon on the couch as she read the magazine he left open for her to read. Manon turned her head up and smiled brightly at Rody, standing up to greet him. Rody gave her a small smile as he closed the door.

"How was work?"

Manon asked, her voice full with curiosity. Rody still remembered how Manon stated he was proud of him for keeping a job for so long once he told her. Little did she know he didn't keep the job as a way of learning to do things for himself.

"It was tiring." Rody replied, letting out a small yawn.

Manon gave him a small nod before sitting back on the couch to read the magazine. Rody looked and saw her trying to turn the page, but watched as her fingers went through. The auburn male went over and turned the page for her, giving Manon a small smile before placing his bike in its place. That's when he noticed Vincent wasn't in his pathetic kitchen. Feeling too tired and upset with himself, Rody brushed it off as he went to his bathroom.

He made sure the door was locked, even though Manon and Vincent could just phase through anything, before turning on his shower. He stuck his hand under the water, feeling the cold water coat his hand before pulling it away. Slowly, Rody took off his clothes before stepping in, allowing his body to shiver slightly at the temperature.

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