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{Alternative Universe}
Everyone lives

The bistro was busier than ever, since it was Valentine's Day and all. Rody has been constantly on his feet, catering to the patrons that had come. Rody felt like his legs and arms were ready to pop off with all the back and forth he had been doing for the past few hours. He really wished that Vincent would hire more waiters. Rody found himself being a little jealous of the couples in the restaurant, reminding him that he had planned to call Manon and ask her out on a date, but she never picked up.

He felt himself sigh after he had given a customer their order. He noticed how each time he would try and call Manon, she never picked up. At first he thought she was busy, something that he had been telling himself for comfort. However, he slowly started to think that she had changed her number, or something bad happened to her.

As he finished up the last few tables, he heard the bell chime. He looked up and saw Manon with another guy. She had her hair tied back with a black ribbon, with a dark green dress that stopped above her knees with her arms exposed, showing off her smooth skin. He felt his heart deflate, along with his cherry attitude. Rody felt himself blush a bit despite it not lasting long as he watched Manon had her arms around the guy's arm, nuzzling his shoulder.

Not wanting to have his heart ache more, he quickly cleaned up the table and went to the back. He noticed Vincent was in his usual spot, observing the cooks to make sure they didn't ruin any of the dishes. The two made eye contact, but Rody quickly grabbed the half full trash and went outside to discard the bag in the dumpster. He let out a small sigh as his body brought him to the left side, leaning against the wall.

Rody felt his heart break more as he remembered when Manon had ended things with him. At the time he was devastated and didn't understand why, but the more he thought about it, the more he understood why she did what she did. He had always neglected his needs in favor of making Manon happy, even if that meant he would have little to no cash to his name. He was destroying himself in favor of making sure Manon was satisfied.

While it did take a while to come to terms with how much he was doing, it also made him try to fix his life as a way to show Manon that he has changed. He thought if he fixed his life, then she would give him another chance. It made Rody hopeful that he would get back together with the love of his life, until it felt like he had been slapped in the face by reality.

He lowered himself to the cold ground, pulling his legs close to his chest as he rested his chin on top. Manon had moved on. Those four words felt like a knife being plugged into his already bruised and broken heart. He looked up at the sky, noticing it had slowly turned to night, which meant it was almost closing time. Taking a couple of deep breaths, Rody shakily stood up and was about to open the door when it had already been pushed open, revealing Vince. The two stared at one another before Rody looked away, rubbing the back on his neck.

"H-Hey, Vince"


Vince said, his voice was cold. Rody felt himself shrink by his tone. The taller male closed the door behind him as he took out his pack of cigarettes, placing it between his lips before fetching out his lighter, making the stick burn. Rody cringed a bit as the smell infiltrated his nose.

"Why are you here?" Vince asked, the gray smoke cloud exiting his lips.

"I, uh...needed a break." Rody awkwardly chuckled. Vince nodded his head, his eyes never once leaving the redhead.

Vince noticed the shift in his waiter's demeanor when he quickly went outside. With the two of them outside alone, Vince noted how stiff the redhead was. When he saw Rody go outside, he could tell something was up. He didn't have his bright smile Vince had grown fond of. So he went to the front and saw Manon with a guy.

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