She Was Not Pregnant?

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“Have another drink.” Shivam poured her another glass of wine. He knew that if she did not get tipsy, she would not be able to sleep tonight.

Isha drank another glass of wine. It was sweet and refreshing. Without realizing it, she ended up drinking a lot.

At the end of the night, Shivam hugged her tightly and put her on the bed in the master bedroom.

Abhay was not willing to sleep with GunGun, so GunGun slept with Isha on her bed instead.

Abhay slept in another room.

GunGun’s sleeping habits were not very good, so the bed was all messed up. His short arms and legs had taken up most of the bed.

Shivam pushed GunGun aside and put Isha down.

Lowering his head to look at her sleeping face, he gently kissed her forehead.

He went back to his room, turned on the computer, and typed in the name of the doctor who operated on Himanshi. He looked at the information on the computer with a serious face.


The next morning when Shivam woke up, he found that Aunt Chen was busy in the kitchen. GunGun was playing with Abhay on the sofa. He did not see Isha.

“Where’s Isha?”

“Ishi said that she’ll be back soon,” GunGun said.

Shivam was a little surprised. He knew that Isha must have gone to look for the doctor. She must have wanted to solve the problem as soon as possible, so she was in such a hurry despite it being the morning.

Shivam picked up his phone and called Isha while walking downstairs.

Isha answered the call and said, “Don’t worry. I’m already back. I’m parking the car now.”

Shivam stepped into the elevator and went straight to the parking lot.

Sure enough, he saw Isha’s parked car. Then, he saw a young man step out of the car. Shivam narrowed his eyes and realized that the man was actually Isha.

She had changed into a man’s suit.

“I went to the hospital and found the doctor who operated on Himanshi. I also got his phone number. But he seems to be avoiding something. He refuses to pick up my calls and isn’t receiving any patients. He seems to be deliberately avoiding me.” Isha had gone out early in the morning and got a lot of information from the nurses.

Shivam nodded. “Fortunately, you dressed up like a man. There must be a lot of reporters waiting for you outside.”

“I’m smart, aren’t I? Don’t worry about me,” Isha said with a smile. Then, she changed the topic. “But this doctor is very strange. I’ve asked around. He’s not a famous doctor, and he doesn’t have any special achievements throughout his career. But ever since Himanshi got pregnant, she would always look for him for a body check-up. Besides, that hospital has many famous doctors. According to Himanshi’s personality, why would she look for a doctor with mediocre medical skills? Don’t you think it’s strange?”

“Yes, it’s strange. I also found out about this yesterday. This Doctor Chaman is really mediocre.” Shivam had also compiled Himanshi’s information last night. “Not to mention a person like Himanshi, but even if it were an ordinary person who’s pregnant, they would want to go to a big hospital and find themselves an expert. But Himanshi always goes back to this doctor. It’s quite suspicious.”

Isha looked into Shivam’s eyes and said, “Based on my understanding of Himanshi and knowing the extent of her ruthlessness, it’s very likely that...”

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