Suspicious About GunGun's Genes

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“GunGun, you painted this yourself? It’s amazing! Have you seen Brother Abhay before?” Isha’s eyes welled up with tears when she thought that the two children would never be alone in the future.

“I’ve never seen him before. But Daddy said Brother Abhay looks like him and Ishi, so I could guess what he looked like. But the Brother Abhay I drew is not even half as handsome as the real Brother Abhay,” GunGun said in a childish voice. His words were as sweet as honey.

Abhay previously decided to tolerate GunGun for Isha’s sake.

Now that he met Gungun, he realized that although he was childish, he was still cute enough to be his brother.

“Thank you.” Abhay took the painting from GunGun.

GunGun jumped up happily. “Brother Abhay, you have a nice voice! Can you live with me in the future?

“GunGun has a brother now! And he’s the super handsome, cool, and cute Brother Abhay!”

The corners of Abhay’s mouth curved into a faint smile. It was only normal to like good-looking children, let alone such cute children.

Aunt Chen was packing her things at the side. When she saw Abhay’s face, she was so surprised that she wanted to immediately tell the old master, the old lady, and the madam about the good news .

She had raised Shivam single-handedly. Of course, she could tell at a glance that this child was Shivam’s.

She really did not expect that Shivam’s wife, who had not appeared in five years, would bring such a handsome young master home.

However, when she thought of Shivam’s instructions, she had to hold back the urge to announce it to the Pratap family.

Shivam stood aside with a smile in his eyes.

The woman he loved deeply had brought back his son.

‘Isha, thank you for letting me wait.

‘It was best to wait. It was an expectation that required a long time and with no ending.

‘But I’m getting closer and closer to this goal every day. It’s a never-ending desire that won’t be fulfilled or destroyed.

‘Every new joy found was encouragement, not a complete satisfaction.’

When Isha saw him standing there, she asked in surprise, “Don’t you have to work today?”

“Rudra Pratap is abroad. I’m on leave,” Shivam lied without changing his expression.

Of course, he had to welcome his son back in person. Why did he have to work?

Isha smiled brightly. “That’s great. I only work in the afternoon. I’ll cook in the afternoon, so I’ll go get groceries now.”

Aunt Chen was about to say that she would go alone when Shivam picked up the car keys and said, “I’ll go with you.”

Abhay said sensibly, “Go ahead. I’ll take care of GunGun.”

“Thank you, my baby.” Isha kissed him on the forehead.

GunGun jumped up. “GunGun wants it too! GunGun wants it too!”

Isha kissed GunGun on the forehead.

“Daddy wants it too! Daddy wants it too!” GunGun immediately helped Shivam get some benefits as well. He remembered every word that Shivam had said last time. Only when he made Ishi feel the warmth of a family would she let them, father and son, stay by her side.

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