Why Had She Come Back?

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Isha had worked as a model in the United States for many years and made some money. Now, she spent all her money on this house in order to secure the life of her son, Abhay.

She knew that Shivam was just a driver. It would be a heavy burden for him to bear the responsibility of being a father when he was totally unprepared.

That was why she had to get everything ready earlier on her own.

After the meal, Isha said goodbye to her son.

She squatted in front of him and kissed him on the forehead.

Abhay reached out his hand and patted her head. “Ishi, a girl should know how to protect herself when she works outside. Also, don’t work too hard.”

Moni’s eyes twinkled with amusement when she heard this. The two people in front of her didn’t act like a mother and a son, but like a father and a daughter.

“Okay, I will,” Isha assured him with a bright smile.

Abhay nodded and left with Moni.

After that, Isha took a taxi to the new house that she had bought with Moni’s help. Without even taking a look at the house or unpacking properly, she just kept her luggage there, changed her clothes, and took another taxi straight to the Pratap Group.

She had met Shivam twice before their marriage—both times at a friend’s party. One of the guests had been a man called Rudra Pratap, who was said to be from the Pratap Group. After getting too drunk, he had asked his driver to pick him up. And both times, the driver who came to pick him up was Shivam.

Since Shivam’s temperament was unique and different from other drivers’ dispositions, Isha had noticed him at a glance.

She wasn’t familiar with Rudra, so she couldn’t ask him about his driver. Therefore, she decided to go to the Pratap Group in person to find Shivam.

She walked elegantly into the building in her high-heeled shoes.

When she arrived at the reception desk, she asked politely, “Excuse me, may I see Shivam Pratap Singh? If I’m not wrong, he works for Mr. Rudra Pratap.”

“I’m sorry, miss. You can’t meet him without an appointment.” The receptionist took a look at the woman in front of her and found that she was beautiful. Therefore, she chose to act very polite, but she didn’t dare to break the company’s rules.

Isha was taken aback by her response. Did meeting a driver also need an appointment? The Pratap Group was really an extraordinary company!

Isha had no choice but to ask, “Then can I make an appointment now?”

“Of course. I will inform you of the result in about fifteen days,” the receptionist replied politely.

Fifteen days? What kind of driver was he? Why was there so much of a build-up just to meet him?

Isha couldn’t wait that long.

But she didn’t have Shivam’s phone number or address. She didn’t know where else to find him except at the Pratap Group, so she relented. “Okay then. Please make an appointment for me. Thank you. By the way, is there any other way I can contact him or see him?”

The receptionist was used to hearing this, because many people wanted to see Shivam as soon as possible. Without skipping a beat, she smiled politely and said, “Sorry, but no.”

But in her heart, she scoffed and thought, ‘Mr. Pratap is not a person who is easy to meet. These women are getting bolder and bolder. Do they think they can get anything just because of their beauty? Otherwise, why would they come to make an appointment?’

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