He Cared So Much

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Shivam’s eyes darkened as he read all the comments.

His attention was then focused on Yuvraj. The man was indeed young and good-looking. But he didn’t look like Isha’s boyfriend at all.

Those fans must be blind.

When Rudra came over to deliver some documents, he saw the frown and the pensive look on Shivam’s face. He thought to himself, ‘This is not good. I’d better run away before he finds me.’

“Rudra!” Shivam called out to him.

He had no choice but to stop in his tracks. He turned cautiously. “Yes, brother? What’s up?”

“You’ve just shown up at my office door. And now you’re asking me what’s up?” Shivam said sharply.

Rudra had to bite the bullet and handed over the documents to him. “Brother, here are the documents that need your signature.”

‘Don’t lose your temper, please,‘ he added inwardly.

Shivam took the documents. But his eyes froze as if he was thinking about something.

Rudra felt that his scalp stiffened, and his hair stood on end.

“Rudra, do I look old?” Shivam asked a question that had nothing to do with work out of the blue.

The look on Rudra’s face abruptly changed. He couldn’t understand what was going on.

He immediately adjusted his expression and said, “Brother, why are you saying that? You are not old at all. You’re only twenty-eight years old, still young, strong, and handsome. You’re actually in the prime of your life.”

However, Shivam frowned. “But I’m still five years older than her.”

He checked Yuvraj’s profile and found that Yuvraj was only one year older than Isha. No wonder people said that Isha and Yuvraj were a perfect match.

Was he too old for Isha?

Five years older than her? Rudra pondered on these keywords. Recently, it seemed that only Isha, who hadn’t come back for five years, could shake Shivam’s mind.

He hurriedly stepped forward and massaged Shivam’s shoulders fawningly. “When a man is five years older than a woman, I think it’s just perfect. People always say that if a woman is three years older than a man, they will become a wealthy couple. And if a man is five years older than a woman, they will become a happy couple. And women always prefer mature men.”

Shivam’s eyes slightly narrowed. Would Isha really like a man who was several years older than her?

Or would it be better if he started dressing up as a young man?

After thinking for a while, he realized that he didn’t have any other styles of clothes in his wardrobe. He only had three types of clothes: suits and shirts for his daily life, pajamas at night, and sportswear for his exercise.

Other than those, there was nothing else.

Shivam sent Isha a message on Whatsapp, telling her that he would pick her up after work.

He was worried that she was too busy with her work to answer her phone if he called. So it was safer to inform her through Whatsapp.

Isha was still eating hotpot when she received Shivam’s message.

But she quickly replied, “Okay.”

Then she suddenly remembered that she was at Moni’s house, so she sent him another message to tell him the address.

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