chapter 145

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Three days later, Chu Hechao led the army on the march. The troops moved at a fast pace, and daily military reports were sent back to Youzhou. Half a month later, they had entered the territory of Jizhou.

Yang Zhongfa was left in Youzhou by Chu Hechao, not only to ensure Yuan Li's safety but also because Yang Zhongfa was already an experienced veteran, and it was better to reduce his travel.

Yang Zhongfa gladly accepted the order to stay in Youzhou.

Compared to the hardships of the front-line army, life in the rear was extremely leisurely. Although Yang Zhongfa was getting older, his abilities hadn't weakened with age. Despite Chu Hechao taking away fifty thousand soldiers, Youzhou remained as stable as ever, and the people there were not affected by the border war and lived their lives peacefully.

However, on the twentieth day after Chu Hechao's departure, He Lang, who was stationed at the border, sent a message reporting that the border had been repeatedly invaded by the Xiongnu. Although the Xiongnu raiders were few in number and would retreat after a brief skirmish, their frequent intrusions were becoming a nuisance.

Yuan Li summoned Yang Zhongfa and Yuan Congyun to discuss the matter. Both of them had the same thought, "These Xiongnu must have learned about General's departure to fight in Jizhou and have come here to test us."

"That's right," Yuan Li nodded slowly. "I can see that too. You two are both veteran generals stationed at the border. What do you suggest we do?"

Yang Zhongfa and Yuan Congyun exchanged glances, and Yang Zhongfa spoke, "Lord Yuan, when you first arrived in Youzhou, our battle with the Xiongnu completely shattered their morale. Although they have recovered somewhat over the years, they still fear the power of the Thunder Cannons. Therefore, they dare only make small moves. If we allow them to keep testing us without retaliation, their actions will only become bolder over time. It's better to strike back now and show them that we won't tolerate their antics."

"I agree," Yuan Congyun added. "That's what I think as well."

Without much hesitation, Yuan Li said, "In that case, let's strike back and give them a strong deterrent."

After some thought, Yuan Li continued, "I will go to the border with both of you to see the situation."

As the Valiant Martial General, it was his first time visiting the northern border.

Yuan Congyun was left behind to guard Youzhou, while Yuan Li, along with Yang Zhongfa and Jia Qing, headed to the northern border.

It was Yuan Li's first time visiting the northern border, and from afar, he could see a vast expanse of green grassland.

As he looked into the distance, his eyes lit up.

The grassland seemed to have no end, and the fragrance of the grass filled the air, refreshing his senses. The horses seemed to enjoy walking on the grassland, occasionally lowering their heads to graze, their hooves hitting the ground with satisfaction.

People were herding cattle and sheep on the grassland. They were all from Yuan Li's ranch, specially brought here to let the livestock graze within the Great Wall.

The cattle and sheep were well-fed and not afraid of people. As Yuan Li and his entourage passed through, they didn't even lift their heads.

Unable to resist, Yuan Li bent down and plucked a handful of wool from a sheep. The lamb being plucked "baaed" and raised its eyes blankly to look at Yuan Li.

Yuan Li couldn't help but smile, "This sheep is cute. I bet its meat is tender. Let's slaughter it tonight."

Jia Qing couldn't help but smile wryly.

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