chapter 126

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Hundreds of arrows were released at once.

The whistling sound of the arrows swept through the air even faster.

The bewildered soldiers looked up upon hearing the sound and saw a vast swarm of dark objects swiftly approaching them.

"What is that?" Yan Hui also noticed and squinted, carefully staring at the black dots on the horizon, frowning, "What is flying towards us?"

Wan Liang's eyes were better, and he stared in disbelief as the black dots grew larger and larger. Tremendous fear surged within him. He turned back suddenly, protecting Yan Hui, and anxiously shouted, "General, run! Those are arrows!"

"Arrows can't be shot from such a distance!" Yan Hui was being protected and fled in a panic, suspecting, "Are those really arrows?!"

Before he could finish speaking, a nearby soldier was struck by one of the massive arrows. The force behind the arrow was terrifying, pinning the soldier to the ground, the arrow piercing half of his body into the earth.

The soldier's waist and abdomen were torn open, and blood and flesh splattered everywhere.

Yan Hui, Wan Liang, and others couldn't breathe properly and hastened their escape.

"Retreat, quickly retreat!" Yan Hui shouted fiercely, urging people around him to leave as quickly as possible. "Hurry, retreat!"

But their retreat speed couldn't match the speed at which the arrows descended.

Massive iron arrows fell to the ground, causing chaos near the general's banner. Though they didn't know what was happening, they followed suit in panic, retreating and fleeing.

Wan Liang did his best to protect Yan Hui during the chaos, his heart pounding in his throat. This was the most terrifying battlefield he had ever encountered, and they had no idea how far these arrows could be shot or where they could escape to avoid death. The sound of screams echoed around them, and when Wan Liang hurriedly looked up, he saw one of the arrows strike the general's banner, cutting it in half.

He was shocked, "Raise the banner quickly—!"

In battle, due to the large number of soldiers, military flags were used for command. The general's banner was of utmost importance. If the banner advanced, the soldiers advanced; if the banner retreated, the soldiers followed suit. If the banner was lost, both enemy and friendly soldiers might believe that Yan Hui was dead!

This cannot happen.

Wan Liang gritted his teeth and decisively rode towards the broken banner, trying to raise it again. But just as he bent down to pick up the banner, a mournful and terrified cry came from behind, "General!!!"

Wan Liang's whole body froze, and he couldn't believe what he saw when he turned around. He saw a long iron arrow piercing straight through Yan Hui and his warhorse.

Yan Hui's face turned deathly pale, his eyes bulging in disbelief as he struggled to look at the arrow lodged in his chest. His strength waned, and he stopped breathing.

Yan Hui was dead.

He had died just like that.

Wan Liang's mind went blank, watching the suffering soldiers around Yan Hui, watching the scattered and fleeing soldiers, he realized with great clarity:

He was finished.

...Li Li was finished too.

Chu Hechao achieved a resounding victory.

The victory came so easily, even easier than defeating Wan Liang, with complete dominance. Yan Hui didn't even have a chance to resist.

The iron arrows from the three-bow bed crossbows killed many generals near the general's banner. When the banner fell, Chu Hechao and his men launched a fierce attack.

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