chapter 53

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Yuan Li happily rushed to the livestock farm under the cover of night.

Ever since he obtained the book "Postpartum Care for Sows," Yuan Li had been eager to put the knowledge into practice. After waiting from spring to winter, he finally had the opportunity.

Yuan Li had never assisted in delivering piglets before, so his current state of mind was similar to that of a clueless father standing at the entrance of a delivery room—curious and nervous at the same time.

The pigsty in the livestock farm had already been cleaned according to Yuan Li's previous instructions. All the dirt had been thoroughly removed, and the area had been disinfected with hot water. A fresh layer of clean straw covered the floor, and candles were lit around, creating a warm and safe environment that would provide comfort to the soon-to-be-delivering sow.

The pigsty was not built tall because it was winter. The low and compact structure helped retain warmth, preventing the pigs from getting cold and falling ill.

As Yuan Li entered the pigsty, he saw the pregnant sow, with a big belly, uncomfortably curled up in the corner. Upon seeing a person enter, the sow remained still and weak, only moving her eyes around a few times.

The wounded soldiers working at the pig farm had never had the opportunity to raise pigs before, nor did they know how to assist in the delivery process for sows. When they learned that Yuan Li was coming to demonstrate the process, they selected more than ten people with a good memory to learn from him.

The wounded soldiers looked serious, wishing they could squat beside Yuan Li and observe his every move.

For them, pig farming was the livelihood they would rely on in the future. If even Young Master Yuan knew how to do it, how could they not? They couldn't possibly rely on Young Master Yuan to do this work every time, could they?

In reality, Yuan Li, who was also assisting in delivering piglets for the first time, felt the pressure of being closely watched. He mentally reviewed the theoretical knowledge several times and turned to ask, "Are all the things I need prepared?"

Zhao Ying quickly nodded and untied a bundle, taking out the items one by one.

Burlap sacks, towels, and a sharp dagger.

Everything had been cleaned thoroughly, and the dagger had been soaked in hot water for a long time, giving it a warm touch.

In fact, besides these items, the book also mentioned the need for disinfectant and iodine.

However, due to the lack of proper equipment, Yuan Li could only put more effort into ensuring the cleanliness of the tools.

After checking the items, Yuan Li nodded, took a deep breath, and said, "Sows usually give birth during the night, so it should be soon."

While waiting for the sow to deliver, Yuan Li, feeling too nervous, stepped outside to get some fresh air. It was still snowing at night, but the snowfall had reduced significantly.

He took a few breaths of the chilly winter air.

Don't be nervous, don't let your hands shake. Yuan Li, always remember that you are a professional.

Half an hour later, the sow began to exert force.

During the sow's delivery, the first piglet was the most challenging to deliver, and it relied solely on the sow's efforts. As soon as the piglet was born, Yuan Li immediately lifted it with both hands and cleared the mucus from its mouth and around its nose. This was to prevent the piglet from suffocating due to mucus blocking its airways. The mucus on the piglet's body also needed to be wiped clean with a burlap sack or towel to prevent it from getting cold in the winter night.

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