chapter 37

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Yuan Li's body stiffened, and he was lifted by Chu Hechao like a human pillar, until they reached the riverside.

When he was placed on the ground and his feet touched the soil, Yuan Li remained expressionless.

The shame he felt was even more unbearable than the prickling sensation on his face.

As soon as his feet touched the ground, Chu Hechao pulled Yuan Li towards a sturdy muddy area by the river. Once they arrived, Chu Hechao instructed, "Squat down."

Yuan Li took a deep breath, trying to alleviate the fiery redness on his face, and slowly squatted down, reaching the river water.

The coolness of the river water brought relief as Yuan Li cupped his hands and poured it over his face.

Upon contact with the water, the itching and stinging on his face gradually subsided. After cleaning his face, Yuan Li breathed a sigh of relief and finally opened his eyes. At that moment, a cloth for wiping his face was timely handed to him. Yuan Li instinctively said, "Thank you," and took it to wipe his face.

But as he wiped, something felt off. When Yuan Li opened his eyes, he realized that the cloth in his hand was not a handkerchief but clearly a piece of Chu Hechao's clothing.

He looked up and met Chu Hechao's eyes, who was watching the scene unfold.

The man was also squatting in front of him, his sturdy thigh muscles tensed. The piece of fabric in Yuan Li's hand was part of Chu Hechao's garment draped over his leg.

When Yuan Li quickly averted his gaze, he accidentally caught a glimpse of a bulging mass below the man's waist.

"Brother-in-law, is my clothing to your liking?" Chu Hechao smirked.

Yuan Li averted his eyes, gazing at the ground and letting go of the garment in his hand. Ignoring Chu Hechao's attempt to tease him, he sincerely thanked him, "Thank you, General, for bringing me to the riverside to wash my face."

However, this response clearly didn't satisfy the man, and his smiling expression turned cold.

Chu Hechao remained motionless, still squatting. Suddenly, he leaned closer, casting a shadow as he lowered his back. His voice became low and dangerous, "Yuan Li what did I do to upset you?"

Yuan Li didn't understand, "What do you mean, General?"

Chu Hechao chuckled, his lips forming a cold arc, "You know it in your heart."

Yuan Li was even more confused. He looked at Chu Hechao's head, suspecting that the man might have been affected by the heat.

"Tell me," Chu Hechao plucked a blade of grass from the weeds beside him and crushed it between his fingers, "let me know where I went wrong."

As he uttered the last few words, he emphasized his tone, squeezing them out through his teeth, giving Yuan Li an intense feeling of someone wanting to crush their own bones and flesh.

Yuan Li frowned, "General, you haven't done anything wrong. Not only that, I should thank you for your assistance."

"And, General, could you please move back a bit? This position is somewhat... indecent," Yuan Li politely suggested.

Chu Hechao remained motionless, squinting his eyes as he stared intently at Yuan Li. Clearly, he didn't care about matters of decency, only focusing on Yuan Li's response. If Yuan Li didn't give him an answer, he wouldn't get up.

Yuan Li looked helpless.

Throughout their journey, they hadn't had much casual conversation with each other. He couldn't recall the incident from a long time ago when he had shown concern for Chu Hechao's sleep and ended up being scolded. In the past month alone, Chu Hechao had indeed not done anything wrong.

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