(GORE) Sword's Hand

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hello sillies, welcome to part 50!! erm, so like, i have some cool paragraphs i made today and they all include balls/prom so ill probably post it all into one later

guys... making fighting scenes make me cringe real hard... help me... i didnt want to make skateboard and sword finally fight...

warning; gore


Skateboard launched onto Sword, and he punched his forehead. Sword dodged it and pushed Skateboard off of him. He grabbed his sword and faced Skateboard. Skateboard remembered how he broke his skateboard, but a piece of glass from the window was right next to him, and he picked it up.

They stared each other in the eyes. Pure hatred. (goodness id rather just makr them argue not fight!!) There was a low chance Skateboard could win this. Come on, all he had was glass. Sword had a whole damn sword. Maybe... maybe if he did something gross.

Sword launched at Skateboard, and if Skateboard hadn't moved out of the way, he would've lost a life. Aimmed for the head!? There was no way Skateboard could kill an immortal. Skateboard tried to slash at Sword, and he landed. He made a scar on Sword's face. Okay, good progress... Skateboard was anxious, and he tried to stay hopeful.

Sword knew he was gonna win. Come on, Sword had the advantage. He had the weapon his name lives up to! He couldn't wait to show Skateboard the pain he's been through.

Shuriken was able to get away. He was a little concerned, but it was concerning to know how concerned he was. He looked behind him, and saw Skateboard and Sword phighting. Behind him, Boombox was taking a walk. Shuriken rushed up to him, stole his phone, typed in the password, started a livestream, and started recording the phight. "Yoo!! It's your hosts, Beatboxing Puppy and Greenninja420!" Shuriken yelled. Boombox was trying to grab his phone back, but Shuriken held it high enough that it was out of his reach.

Sword sliced at Skateboard, and he was able to cut his leg. It was a big cut, but Skateboard tried to ignore it, until a couple of seconds later, he collapsed. He tried not to yelp in pain, but he felt like passing out. He watched Sword walk near him and start laughing. "YOU MOTHERFUCKER!" Skateboard yelled before grabbing Sword's arm and dragging him onto the floor.

          He then grabbed Sword's sword and started to cut his hand. (goodness im gonna get odd) The flesh made wet squishy noises, and Sword yelled in pain. Feeling his skin and flesh tear apart. How could he let this happen? He tried to escape but Skateboard kept a good grip on him. Skateboard reached the bone, the blood was leaking out faster now, and they both were getting covered in it.

          Shuriken and Boombox stared. Boombox was spaced out and realized what Skateboard was doing while Shuriken cheered. "..." Boombox was silent.

         "SKATEBOARD! SKATEBOARD! SKATEBOARD!" Shuriken yelled in excitement. Boombox turned his head to look at Shuriken in disgust, and the chat started blowing up.

XxSlingshotStan33xX: WHAT THE FUCK


🥳fathammer: hi guys just popped on whats happening??

feetfetishwhatsthat: HUH?

TheRizzler: 😔🤫👩‍🔬


pew: Your Bluetooth device is ready to connect.

           Skateboard sat up. He stared at Sword who was passed out, and he tried to get up. He was successful, but he was bleeding still and limped home.

          Skateboard saw Rocket, and he looked horrified. "Skateboard... what...? You're covered in blood," Rocket sounded scared, and he took a step back out of fear.

          "I had to phight him, and he won't be attacking us for a while," Skateboard told him. "Please, just trust me." Skateboard looked up at Rocket, and he tried to make him feel bad. Rocket listened and took a couple of steps near Skateboard. "Okay, but what did you do that you're covered in blood? Don't tell me you killed him...," Rocket asked.

          "I didn't, and I'm going to shower," Skateboard walked away before Rocket could say otherwise. Rocket was very suspicious, but he didn't want to anger Skateboard in case he would do that to him, too.

           "What the fuck happened when I ran?" Rocket muttered to himself.


okay guys, ik that was a LITTLE gorey... i just was lazy and i didnt want them to actually fight!! sowwy

730 words

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