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hello there my beautiful inventions! (i used to main subspace until i realized i suck and then became a rocket main so i have the pass to be insane) have you ever realized i am one of the most sane rocket mains? there is a rocket main that said "i am going to start getting violent soon" and one that...

"ah!~" and im not gonna elaborate. which, we three are one of the sanest of the sane rocket mains in the cult of rocket mains!!


Shuriken ran downstairs as fast as he could. He was excited to catch bugs today, and he had a whole collection of bugs. He had even named each one, which impressed Lilac. She was a robot, and she was supposed to be smart, but Subspace didn't calculate everything into Lilac. Lilac saw Shuriken running and felt confused. "What are you doing?" she asked. She watched Shuriken come to a stop before he left to the outside, and turned to Lilac.

           "Catching bugs," Shuriken answered, "Wanna come with me?" Lilac nodded. "Hooray! Follow me, and be quiet." Shuriken crouched, and Lilac followed him from behind. She tried to be quiet, but it didn't work. She wasn't as light as Shuriken, and couldn't match his steps. It still worked anyway, and Shuriken and Lilac would watch bugs walking in a line. Lilac didn't mind using her time to do mindless things but enjoyed making her owners satisfied.

           At the end of the day, Shuriken and Lilac had found multiple bugs, and Shuriken had collected about 37 of them. Big and small. He didn't care, all he did care about was if they looked cool to him or not. Lilac didn't touch any bugs.

         * * *

Lilac was watering a plant. Vine Staff told her to water every plant she could find. Now, there were many plants Lilac found, and she counted 376 plants in the house. They ranged from small little flowers to a big tree in the garden. There was also a small river, and there were hundreds of fish swimming through. She saw Vine Staff come inside. "Hmm, Lilac?" Vine Staff asked. Lilac turned her attention to her. "Do you want to go shopping with us?"

"Okay," Lilac said in a high voice, but you could hear how she sounded like a robot. It was a higher voice than normal Biographs, and she seemed like a sweet person. Vine Staff smiled and called Shuriken downstairs.

"Huh? What're we doing?" Shuriken asked, walking downstairs.

"Shopping time," Vine Staff answered. She heard Shuriken groan. "In the mall," she added, which made Shuriken light up inside, "but we're walking." Shuriken nodded, and they headed out the door.

The area around Thieves Den made Lilac interested. It was like nature destroyed the planet when it was phighters. It was green everywhere, and eventually, the seasons would cause it to change. (NO, REALLY!?)

When they were in the mall, Lilac could hear thousands of chatter. If she listened closely, she would probably be able to make out a couple of conversations, but she kept focusing on the job. "Lilac," Vine Staff sighed, "Please keep my brother out of trouble." She sounded like she's been through this multiple times already. Lilac nodded, and the three walked around the mall. It was a big area, for sure, and thousands of people surrounded the stores.

"Ooh! There's this guy selling games!" Shuriken runs away, and Lilac follows from behind. She studies how fast he is, and she tries to match his pace. Shuriken and Lilac come to a stop, and Shuriken is staring at a store that sells games.

           "No buying useless stuff."

           Shuriken sighs, "Fine." They enter the store, and there are lots of games, and Shuriken starts running around. Lilac just stares and studies the area. There are DVDs and stuff Lilac doesn't care about, so she turns her attention back to Shuriken. He looks like he's having fun.

           "Did I miss anything?" Lilac turns around to see Vine Staff, who is already carrying two big bags. "Listen, the dresses were on sale!" Vine Staff said. She seemed a bit embarrassed, but Lilac still didn't mind. She kept watching Shuriken. (not in a spooky way!!)

* * *

           When they got home, Shuriken and Vine Staff had showered. While they were both showering in their own bathrooms (gotta clear that up), Lilac went back to watering the flowers. She had only 17 plants left to water. Shuriken was the first to finish his bath, but he went to sleep. When Vine Staff came out of the shower, she went downstairs to power down Lilac. "Hello, Lilac, it's time to power you off," Vine Staff sighed. Lilac nodded and closed her eyes. She waited.



hello im tired and my dad got mad at me againnnn. hes kinda stubborn rn but its okay!! anyways ill say it again, if u wanna add my accound (ill probably accept if u tell me u added me) then my account is gammelay and my display name is alice and my roblox avatar is stargazer because hes the only rocket skin i dont have and i have 300k cause i dont main any other phighters and im just paiently waiting for the best chance to bribe aidn into giving me stargazer 😇😇

882 words

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