Chapter 11

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"What?" KC said swinging hands over her head.

"Yep" He replied still facing his phone.

"You're dating Beth!" She screamed. "This is mind blowing!".

He still found it hard to concentrate on her.

"I am so surprised, look at my surprise face" She added. He didn't look.

"Yea, whatever, I've got to tell Maddie, where is she?" He said now facing her.

"Ok, now you drop your phone" KC said sarcastically.

Pacing around the room, travelling through his hair with his hand, mind blown and crazily confused; those were what he was at this point.

Just broke an innocent girl's heart but he felt a deep hole in HIS soul.

"Rick! Damn bastard!" He screamed. "Ruined my life!"

Keith reached for a baseball bat and broke a frame, tossed his shoes down, ripped apart books and vented his anger on everything in his path. He was practically void of his sanity, he was running mad. He was broken and could only be patched up and fixed by her forgiveness. He sat on the edge of his bed, hair falling to his face, he read her message again. He stared down at all the havoc he had caused, he was dumb, he was mean, he was basically finished.

Walking towards the same river, whose beauty convinced her to take her life, she was oblivious of the fact that she was almost dead...again! She quickly moved away from the bank and then she heard footsteps.


She turned and ran towards him and embraced him.

"Hi" She said.

"I'm really sorry about what happened" He said. "Beth told me" He added.

"It's okay Ash, it's not your fault that I'm so stupid". She then turned attention to his previous statement.

"Wait, why would Beth tell you?" She asked.

"Cause I'm your brother and...she's my girlfriend" He replied and smiled.

"What? You and Beth? I'm surprised and yet I'm not surprised" She said laying on the grass.

"Forget about Beth and me, back to you"

"'s quite simple, I was stupid, he was smart and we collided" She said turning to face him.

"Listen to me Madeline Mary Danvers, it's okay to make mistakes but you can't beat yourself up for it" He said.

"Keith Sing or whatever his name is; he's the stupid one, for not seeing the good in you, it's not anyone's fault but his ok? Now let's go home and stop grieving, no one died".

"Thanks, I needed that" She said as she stood to hug him. "Hold and Beth? Since when?" She added.

"I'll tell on the way, nosy" He teased and they got going.

They laughed hard as he put his arm around her shoulder and walked her to through the grasses to his car.

On the way home, she couldn't stop thinking about what her brother had said at the field. Was it really his fault or she being naïve was the reason for this, either way she didn't like the outcome of it at all.

"Hey" Ash said as they entered the house.

"Hey, where have you been?" Shannon asked.

"Talking...just big bro and lil' sis stuff" Maddie responded.

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