Chapter 8

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"Please answer the phone" Krissa muttered as she prayed to her gods to spare her life. She was already on her to way to their house, she was to make sure that Christiana would disable every booby trap set for her at the house.

Life had been a mess since Randy died.

Hello, you have reached Christiana Louise Song, I'm not with my phone right now, so be a dear and text me, bye.

Krissa switched off her phone and went on anyway. She figured they be home-It was a Saturday.

Getting to the drive through of their house, she parked by the side of the road and Leigh-Anne could get an amazing view of her from the bathroom.

"Your dad's obnoxious wife is here!" She screamed in respect to Keith.

"You mean ex-dad" James corrected.

"My bad"

Krissa knocked shakily and quivering a cold bird. She knew she couldn't face them but she wanted to give it a shot.

"Pharez! Jason! Jace! Jason!" Madison screamed from downstairs in beckon for her husband and sons.

"Hey, why me twice?" Max asked.

"Because you are the stubborn one! Now get your polished behind down the stairs!"

"Fair enough" He said coming down the stairs.

"No, no, no! You must be kidding if you actually think that you will leave this house with a hoodie, Jace".

"Why?" He asked as he stormed upstairs.

"See what I'm talking about" He returned a few moments later.

"The sneakers?" Madison asked.

"Don't push it mom, I took off the hoodie, praise the heavens" Madison left to the kitchen having enough of Max's drama that evening.

"Jace! We waiting!" Max screamed.

"Only mom calls me that, off limits for you!"

"Pharez! Where you at?" Madison screamed once more

"I'll go get him" Zac offered as he went to look for his dad.

Zac ran upstairs and looked for his dad. He could hear someone rapping Spanish from a distance.

"Coming" Pharez said as they went downstairs.

They had this event thing they had to attend that night, hence the rush and fancy dresses. Like every other 'un-normal' family, the Kings were fond of going out for either fancy functions, traditional tasks or just plain family fun.

In such situations, Max was the black sheep. He hated being dressed up for anything, no matter the circumstances that may have brought him there. So, this was no joy ride for him.

"Why do we keep doing these?" Max asked. "One day, when they ask you to come to one of their things, tell a flat-out no! it ain't that hard, mom" He added.

"Grow up Max, or were the 3 minutes that you saw the world before me not enough to at least gain some extra knowledge, Maxie?" Zac teased with reference to the fact that Max came out first.

"Maximus Jason King, I will not ever correct you again on this issue of your hatred for fancy functions" Pharez said.

"They are part of what makes you a King" Madison added.

"Not royalty kind of king, I'm pretty sure he means the fact that your last name is in fact King" Zac spoke.

"Thank you for throwing more light on that, Jace" Max said sarcastically.

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