Chapter 4

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Randy Castle, the owner of Anakei; one of the most successful business firms in the country. He was married to a young successful model Krissa Stone, now Krissa Stone-Castle and had 2 kids together; Ramona Rae Castle and Jude Ray Castle.

Ramona and Jude were twins, they had very obnoxious but bearable attitudes -as a result of being spoiled. Both had blonde hair like their mom and tough demeanor like their father.

"Mom! Ramona won't let me be!" Jude screamed running down stairs.

"Tell her to give me have the pink doll, I chose it first! I'm the older one!" Ramona protested.

"With 2 minutes!"

The yelling continued.

"Ramona, if you don't stop, you'll answer to your step-brother!" Krissa warned.

"You've gotta stop doing that, he's not a monster, just a kid" Randy corrected her.

"He acts like one"

"Stop it" He repeated firmer this time.

"Oh, what the heck" She said with laxity and left the kitchen.

Being a man with past family issues, an ex-wife and a kid from that ex-wife and a whole new family didn't like to intimidate anyone of his 'mistakes' as he would call them.

He hated thinking about his son and ex-wife, remembering them made him mad. He trusted his ex-wife and she betrayed his trust and broke his heart. Ramona took after her dad and shared the same hatred with him, she saw her step-brother as some kind of a monster who became that way because of being neglected and abandoned.

Krissa also had a past that she wasn't proud of, a secret she was ready to take to the grave and never let out under any circumstance. She had done a few things.

that brought shame and disdain to her while career. She ruined someone else's life to help promote hers.

Amongst this family of evil energy, Jude remained positive and understood her step-brother a little, she took his nasty behaviour as a defence mechanism to sheild his already broken heart from more damage.

Their step-brother hated his dad and his stepmom even more. Somewhere in his soul, he believed that all that led to his parents' divorce was nothing but fake and his naïve dad believed it all at a glance.

"Keith! Your mom's here!" Rick yelled from across the field.

"Win, come on, let's go, we've got to beat the traffic!" Christiana yelled.

He hurried over to the car and put his stuff in the back seat.

"Leigh-Anne is making dinner tonight" She reminded.

"God! why? I hope she took a few lessons before now, so I don't have to lie about the taste"

"No matter how it tastes, I want you to say it's good, Ok?" She asked.

"Fine, but if it isn't edible, I'm not gonna be quiet" He clarified as they entered the car.

"Fair enough".

As they drove home, he couldn't help to think about his next step on the 'Maddie project'. He had no ring feelings about what he was doing at this point in time. He played with an innocent girl's mind and this mere thought was sickening but it didn't seem to sicken him.


The effect Keith had on her was obvious, she couldn't fall asleep thinking about all that he said to her today. From the time he asked whose seat that was, to when he complimented her eyes; she loved every moment.

Are they really that pretty? She asked herself while staring at her reflection.

How could he see then under the glasses? She continued to check herself out.

KC cut her session short. "Time for dinner, you sad little girl".

She grabbed her four eyes and went downstairs for dinner still meditating on the day's incidents.

"Maddie!" Shannon yelled.


"What's for dinner?" KC asked as she say down at the table.

"Spaghetti and meatballs" The reply came as the news was turned on.

Multimillionaire owner of Anakei, Randy Castle has just purchased the latest BMW on the market -the news read.

"That Randy Castle dude lives like his days are numbered and they are coming to an end" Maddie commented.

"Maybe it is, you never know what all these rich people go through" KC said in between mouthfuls of spaghetti.

"Quit taking about someone else's life and eat!" Shannon commanded.

"Your mother's right, face what's important and right now that is eating" Earl added. Just then Ash walked in.

"Where the heck have you been?" Shannon asked.

"I was out with a friend" He lied.

"That's not true, you're wearing your date shoes" KC said.

"Date shoes? I don't have any date shoes, what are you talking about?" He lied again.

"You're doing that thing where you can't stare someone in the dryer, so you are definitely lying" Maddie chipped in.

"Fine, I was on a date and I don't wanna talk about it or her, ok? Ok" He finally said and went upstairs.


"Jason! Jace! Chow time!" Madison screamed up the stairs in beckon for both her sons. Madison King was the woman behind Pharez King and their successful company. She loved her twins alot, hence the use of their middle names- to show similarity.

"Coming mother!" Zac rep

"What about you, Jason? You deaf now?" She asked Max from downstairs and Zac came down immediately.

The King's were a blessed family with good morals and right values that made them stand out among the other people of their standards.

As Zac came down the last step, he had an asthma attack and fell to the floor.

This got Madison's immediate attention and she jumped to help her son's life.

"Jason! Get Jace's inhaler and be snappy about it!" Madison screamed running around to get the first aid kit. Max dashed in and out his room to get the inhaler and he gave his brother immediately, they pressed and pressed until he finally gained his conciousness.

"Are you okay?" Madison asked him a nd he nodded in response.

"Thank goodness, now I can tell at you" She added and this statement shocked both Max and Zac.

"I've told you before, times without number, that you shouldn't be prancing around without your inhaler close by, Jace! Don't kill me, please, I'm too young to die!" Madison begged.

Pharez walked in and met them sitting on the couch. He looked a little puzzled and finally asked; "What did I miss?"

"Zac almost died" Max said and received a smack on the back of the head and proceeded to holding his lips together.

"Zachary Jace King, how many times have I told you to not move without your inhaler?" Pahrez asked.

"So many that I've lost count"

"Exactly, and that's the reason why you should always do it" Pahrez said as he stood to go to his room.

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