Chapter 1

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"Maddie!" Shannon yelled, being her mom- it was her job to take complete care of her. Battling with pancake batter, eggs, and hot water, she hurried to make their breakfast whilst fighting to tame the wild red curls that fell over her face and temporarily killed her eyesight.

"Coming mom! Be there in a second!" The yelling continued.

"Earl, get down and take the kids to school!" Shannon continued once more.

Earl came down the stairs in pyjama pants and a white sweater as he pushed a giant chunk of black-grey hair away from his face.

"Good morning Mrs Danvers, I recall today being my day off, which means Ash is taking them" He said as he kissed his wife's cheek and stole a pancake.

"Claire! If you do not get your ass down now, there wil be a problem"

"I'm coming and lest I forget; it's KC not Claire! It's either that or my full government name, let the whole world know the full name of the next Marie Curie" KC responded.

She hated being called 'Claire'-she felt it was it plainest of names and she absolutely loved to stand out in the most way possible so she settled for what would please everyone, KC. They both ran down the stairs and KC got there first, landing on her feet, and swaying her also red hair in the air to tease her big sister.

"You only got here first because I had to brush my hair"

"Again" KC said slyly.

"Dumb and dumber, I need to! You are going to disrupt my day off!" Ash screamed.

"I'm okay with such names only if Maddie's dumber...and dumb also" KC said.

"Ha-ha, that's so amusing that I almost cracked a rib laughing" Maddie said with grave sarcasm in her voice.

"Bye mom, bye dad. KC!" Maddie said as she grabbed her breakfast and glasses to-go.

"Right behind you Shrek".

"In the car you bratty creatures" Ash said as he entered the marvellously crafted sports car on their lawn. They both slid craftily into the car and placed their bags on the car floor.

"Jasher, we all know you await the attention of the damsels that do attend my school, is it not?" KC teased.

"Get in the car...Claire" Ash responded trying not to take eyes off the road.

"Touché" KC smirked.

"KC, leave him alone" Maddie chipped in.

"Thanks Addie" Ash said.

She stopped and stared him down for a long time.

"What? I thought we were all calling eachother names that annoy us" He defended. All through-out middle school, he called her this nickname till she reached her peak of annoyance.

She continued to stare and this time the intensity was enough to bore holes in his soul...that deep.

"If looks could kill, we'd all be dead right now" KC said, and Maddie raised an eyebrow. "If the driver dies, we all die...get the logic sis" She explained.

"Sup Danvers!" Beth screamed from across the lot. Elizabeth Crane was Maddie's best friend since Kindergarten, known for her crazy, care-free lifestyle and fun-loving self.

"Addie, Claire this is not over, just you wait an..." Ash was saying but he stopped as he saw Beth running over in jean bum shorts, red T-shirt, and black boots.

"Here we go" KC murmured.

"Oh my God" He whispered while trying to catch his breath.

"Say something Ash?" Beth asked as she got there.

"None of importance" He replied as he continued to stare.


"What?" He asked

"To's rude to stare" Beth replied trying hard not to blush hard.

"Sorry" He said utterly embarrassed and trying harder to avoid eye contact. "Well I have to go, before I pass out from shame and nervousness" He added with that last part under his breath.

"Bye Ash" KC winked and said.

"I hate you" He reminded as he zoomed off.

Maddie and Beth walked into the school building and talked as they went.

"Do you think he noticed me?" Beth asked.

"Definitely" Maddie encouraged.

"So, what's the update?"

"On what?" Maddie asked back.

"Don't play dumb with me! On the Keith project!"

"I don't even know how it's possible to have a crush on someone for two whole years and have them not notice you, it's just plain frustrating!" Maddie said tugging at her own her.

"That's the exact same way I feel with your brother; annoyed" Beth replied.

"Totally different case; you're the only girl Ash has ever liked! You've got to celebrate!"

Maddie knew how to handle bad boys...maybe all but one, Keith.

Keith Song was somewhat the bad boy of the school, he was the one guy that was born with a natural lady magnet and nothing could demagnetize him. He loved himself more than anyone loved him, everything except his middle name-Edwin. Only his mom called him that and it irritated him a little that he had begged her a few years back to shorten to it to something more befitting for someone of his social status; Win.

Maddie had crushed on him for the past two years and was completely, absolutely, most definitely shy enough to pee her pants when she saw him.

"And why on Earth did I say it was rude for him to stare? God I'm an idiot!" Beth reflected.

"Yes, you are" Maddie put an arm around her shoulder and encouraged that idea as they walked to class.

Christiana opened the door and stepped out.

"Get off that phone Win" She said as she hit the glass lightly.

She was Keith's mom, blessed with long blonde hair and the beautiful eyes he had.

"Lei come on out" She said again now beckoning on his sister. Leigh-Anne was his little sister, his smart little sister, his very smart little sister. She was skipped two grades ahead, hence them being thus close in schools and classes.

"Yo, Song!" Keith heard and turned to respond. It was Max King, one of the King twins. Maximus Jason King and Zachary Jace King were the sons of the owner of the most successful IT firm in the whole of the U.S. Max was Keith's right hand man, and he never let down, even when Zac had.

"Sup? Where's Rick?" Keith asked and received a point in response toward the other side of the parking lot.

Fredrick 'Rick' James was Keith's second follower or as some would say, another henchman. He was almost as fun-loving as Beth with the lack of the touch of crazy that Beth had. He mostly stuck around for the attention, the girls, the drama...basically the everything.

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