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I looked at him, dumbfounded.

What? Did he bring me to a library to read with him or what? Did he read about some date ideas online and decided this was the best one?

"What." I had nothing else to say, his vague words weren't helping my scenario either.

"Let's go." He grabbed my hand excitedly, entering through the door.

The bell jingled as we entered, door shutting behind us. The interior was quite cozy, a very traditional, old library.

Wooden floors that creaked, and wooden walls that grew a slight shade of orange from time. It was small, and clearly family owned.

Certificates of school results were hung up on walls proudly, and paintings plastered on the walls.

A slight aroma of black coffee whisked it's way around the place.

It was much different from a library in Seoul, in Seoul the lights are always bright and white, here, a bare, warm yellow bulb illuminated the whole place, with help from the natural light outside.

An old man came from a door, he had a slight hunch, and clearly looked like a man of wisdom, his grey beard and glasses really accentuating that wise look of his.

"Ah, Park Sunghoon." His voice was low and possessed a hint of weakness.

"Good afternoon Mr Wang." Sunghoon gave a respectful bow as the man smiled, he glanced over at me.

"And I'm guessing you're the girlfriend." He didn't seem arrogant, or rude, he seemed like a warm, tender guy.

"Yes, nice to meet you, Choi Eunseo." I gave a respectful bow too, he just gave a small cackle, guiding us over to a table.

He sat down on one end, and the two of us sat on the opposite.

"Ah, I was supposed to prepare you coffee from my new coffee machine, but I couldn't figure how to operate it quite yet - maybe I shouldn't of thrown out the manual." Mr Wang gave a laugh, the kind of laugh grandparents give.

"It's fine, don't worry - although I hope you do figure out how to use it eventually." Sunghoon chuckled lightly.

I was still confused as to why we were in this old man's library.

No offense, the guy was cool, but what relevance do I have over here?

The two endorsed into a conversation about random things, and I honestly tried to figure out what the entire goal was here.

I leant my head on my palm, dazing off into space as the two continued to talk.

All of a sudden, my daze was cut off by Mr Wang placing down quite a chunky folder filled with paper on the table.

I could literally see dust come off the thing.

"I trust that you take care of it, I wasn't willing to give it away to anyone - but I do know you have a big history with it, so I believe you can uphold it." Mr Wang suddenly dug through the files, looking intently for one specific paper.

I turned my head slowly to look at Sunghoon, and he looked over at me, flashing me a sweet smile before turning his head back to look at Mr Wang.

Now seriously what was he up to.

Okay, I'll give him that he wasn't wrong, and that this was in fact a business trip, but in such an obscure area? What was he investing in now?

Mr Wang eventually pulled out a piece of paper, two in fact, stapled on each other. He wiped the paper, the sides began to curve with a slightly buttermilk tint.

He stared at it, stars running through his pupils as he skimmed over the text, then, he placed it back down.

"Ah, it was a good run, wasn't it?" Mr Wang looked up at Sunghoon.

"Very good run, it's a shame that you couldn't continue it." Sunghoon gave a sigh, and for once, I actually felt that he meant his words, and that he wasn't just playing into some facade of pity.

"Well, Park Sunghoon, I know you're a good guy. So, here's this." Mr Wang turned the paper around so it faced Sunghoon, he then slid the papers towards him, rolling a pen with it too.

"Just sign here, and then, here." He pointed to the placed where a signature was needed.

I was curious as to what was going on, but was I going to ask questions that he'd probably still not answer? Nope.

Sunghoon did exactly so, and signed in the two spots he was told to. Mr Wang seemed a little upset, but at the same time, the stars still remained in his eyes.

"Thank you, sincerely, Mr Wang." Sunghoon stood up, taking the two papers and bowing deeply again as I did the same, just a little lighter.

"Take care of it kid, I hate to see it so desolate like this - and I know I wouldn't be able to afford keeping it healthy, so, thank you." Mr Wang also gave a deep bow, letting us leave.

We walked out of the library, Sunghoon having such a cheery smile on his face while holding these two papers.

What the hell just happened?

p.sunghoon → clair de luneWhere stories live. Discover now