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Time had passed too slow, especially looking at all the remaining things I had to do.

I was running back and forth, outside and inside, up flights of stairs and down long corridors. I was everywhere, and least to say, absolutely exhausted.

I was surviving off a single coffee, in which the caffeine wasn't even working it's magic no more. I was hungry, tired, thirsty and just wanted to rest.

Most of the people in the office had left already, lucky them, I still had to run marathons around the company buildings and do the job of a CEO - and I was a secretary.

Sunghoon had left after shadowing people around the building, it was a little lonely without his annoying ass by my side constantly, but I grasped ahold of myself after realising that I was lowkey missing his presence.

I shuddered at the mere thought of that, absolutely not, my own mother would kill me if I admit that I was missing being around him.

No, absolutely not.

The sky was dark, and I just knew that by the time I'd finish, it'd probably be around midnight? Maybe earlier, maybe later - depending how fast I finish these things.

I head back to my office after running around the building looking for documents, papers, statistic numbers and other things, as I made it into my office, an overwhelming feeling hit my head.

It spun round, and my vision began slightly blackening. My body was going to give in, leaning against the wall weakly as I began blinking rapidly to not fall.

Thankfully, I didn't pass out yet, it'd probably be a matter of time til I did, but I could not pass out right now, it'd just be embarrassing.

I took a deep breath after regaining clarity and stability again. Damn, I really need to go home.

After completing another task on the list, I stood up, needing to head down to the ground floor for something.

I hurried out of the room, straight to the elevator and as I stood inside, alone, the same dizzy feeling hit me once again, completely taking me aback.

Oh come on, anywhere but here.

I pressed my hands on my face, trying to stay conscious as much as I could, and for a moment, I really did think I was going to collapse on the floor of the elevator - thankfully my body loves me enough to not do me wrong like that.

The doors pinged open, and just like that, I was back to normal, rushing out of there and heading towards the Project Management department, but as I was heading there, I noticed a crowd.

I stopped, wondering why there were a group of people in the building at this time. I looked closely, and seeing that tall figure just made me groan and roll my eyes.

He was with some of his staff members, accompanied by Mr Jang and some of his staff members.

Sunghoon looked over at me, his head darting directly to me as I looked away, slowly heading towards the department after realising what I was really here for.

The second I get home, I'll eat absolutely everything I have - that is if I even have anything in the kitchen.

I needed food and rest the most right now, but could I get that? No, more so now that Mr Jang was still here - and with - as much as I hate to say it - important company.

I swallowed hard, trying to focus myself onto just completing this, but my brain was foggy and everything just seemed to completely overwhelm my body.

I tried to persist with my job regardless.

"Oh! Eunseo, could you run to the twentieth floor and grab me the blueprint documents in my office - sorry, I'm about to get on a phone call with an international company who wants to collaborate." One of the project managers asked me, and out of courtesy, I nodded my head, spinning back around and heading towards the elevators.

I have no idea why I put myself through this, I could've just said no.

Again, I found myself going up and down flights of floors, thank god that elevators exist. I made it to the floor, and finally found that stupid blueprint.

I made my way back into the elevator, in a huge rush to just finish all of the jobs and things I was supposed to do. My head spun again, and this time for longer, my vision blurring and eventually diminishing into speckles of black.

I grasped onto the railing in the elevator, trying so hard to hold myself together and just not pass out here. But I don't think it'd help, this time, it was for real.

Before I knew it, my legs gave in and my body even more so, I fell to the ground of the elevator - and conveniently, the doors pinged open.

"Eunseo!! Eunseo!!!!!" Sunghoon's voice was the last thing I heard before I fell into a trance.

p.sunghoon → clair de luneWhere stories live. Discover now