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Fortunately though, after a short while of blacking out, I managed to regain my conscious again, stand up straight without flailing like a piece of jelly.

I blinked rapidly, regaining my senses and awareness once again. Sunghoon still held me in his arms, looking down at me with a worried expression.

"Woah, wow, woaah." I quickly realised what was going on, and lightly pushed myself away from him.

"That's a second time." His voice also quickly regained it's coldness once more, wow, I see how it is.

"Congrats, you can count." I rolled my eyes, we were still just stood in the stairwell, dozens of flights of stairs below us.

"Don't take the stairs again, just wait, I'll come to you if anything." Sunghoon turned around, his voice was particularly unfeeling, but his words were pretty cute and genuine.

"Okay prince in shining armour, what's with the tone?" I inquired as we walked out of the stairwell, on some other floor.

He completely blanked me again, waiting for the elevator. I gave a groan, damn he could be so irritating sometimes.

"Alright, ignore me then, I'll remember this." I decided to be petty, crossing my arms and rolling my eyes at his blatant ignorance. He wasn't even hiding the fact he was purposefully ignoring me.

A female colleague came into the elevator with us as it opened, she grinned at Sunghoon, standing beside him as I stood in front of Sunghoon.

I had no other choice, she pushed straight in front of me just to get beside him - damn, was the demand for this man this high? Was I seriously not seeing what I was missing out on?

"Sunghoon, are you going to be there for the company dinner? People have been wondering if you'll attend." She cheerily asked him, every colleague seemed to be so eager to speak to him.

"I don't attend events like that. I'm too busy." Sunghoon stared at his phone, replying monotonously.

"Oh really? That's a shame, everybody really wants you there. You really can't come? Pretty please?" She grinned brightly as I just pretended to not even hear what was going on.

I had no issue with her talking to him, but the tone of her voice sort of irritated me, it was one of like, childishness but also a sickly cute, if that even makes sense.

"No, I can't unfortunately, I appreciate the offer though." He turned to look at her for a second, "Maybe some other day."

"Alright, that's a deal Sunghoon! I'll come back to you when there's another one." She giggled to herself, her cheeks flushing a tint of red as she pulled out her phone and began texting.

The elevator doors opened, and I wasn't sure if we were leaving or not. But, Sunghoon gently placed a hand on the side of my waist, guiding me forward which meant that we were getting out here.

Again, that feeling of his hand on my body alone, completely caught me off guard. I did not mind it at all, and it was weird, considering I was so adamant on hating him.

He took his hand away as we walked on some other floor, I have no idea where we were, I was just following him like a lost puppy, but regardless, we went into some office.

The door opened, and there sat Joohyuk, at his desk. He looked up, his eyes brightening at the sight of me.

But, he stood up immediately, bowing to Sunghoon and walking over to us.

"What's up?" He inquired casually as Sunghoon glanced at me, the same hard and uncaring gaze on me as usual.

"Keep her busy, don't make her run up and down places, or do too much strenuous activities. If you do, you're fired." Sunghoon warned him, and judging by the tone of his voice, he meant it one hundred percent serious.

"Okay, of course Sunghoon." Joohyuk nodded vigorously, looking a bit frantic at his words.

"If I'm not back by 3pm, call the chauffeur and drive her home." Sunghoon's gaze was fixated on Joohyuk, and then suddenly he looked at me, his gaze so intent in my eyes.

"And you, don't run off, be obedient - for once." His voice was a little lower, and I swallowed hard, just staring into his eyes made me feel a little intimidated.

With that, he opened the door and walked off.

"Bye Sungho-- Oh he already left, of course he did." Joohyuk rolled his eyes, sitting down with a large exhale, he leant his head back, emitting a groan and then proceeding to look at me.

"Jesus, tell me I'm not the only one feeling this cold atmosphere today." Joohyuk shuddered, and I sat up, widening my eyes.

"I know right? It's coming from Sunghoon, he's being so weird today I swear." I finally found someone who agreed with me, everybody else was just sucking up to him.

"You'll get used to it, he has his days sometimes. Rarely, but sometimes he acts like this - I guess today is one of them." He huffed, leaning back on his chair and looking at me.

"I wish I knew what was bothering him, but he's insistent on ignoring me." I rolled my eyes as Joohyuk chuckled.

"You should know by now that Sunghoon doesn't reply to anybody, he's a mysterious guy, nobody knows about his childhood, how he grew up, what kind of guy he was, nothing. Nada." Joohyuk told me, and I looked at him, his words circling around my head.

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