Chapter 11

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 Hudson stared at his father wide-eyed. "What...??"

 Mr. Judge sighed heavily. Mrs. Judge put her hand on his shoulder and smiled at him. He smiled back at his wife before looking back at his son. "Your great grandmother was attacked by rogues when she was sixteen years old."


 Maryanne Lawrence was sixteen years old when she lost her leg in a rogue attack. She and her family went to live with her aunt in another pack, who helped her all she could with her newfound disability. Maryanne was able to walk with the help of a prosthetic and crutches. It was difficult at times, but, she managed.

 Caden Judge was a warrior in training in his pack. He was eighteen years old and had only two more years of training left before he became and official warrior. He was a bright young man with many dreams. Dreams of being a warrior. And dreams of having a family with his beloved mate. He never met her, but he was already in love with her. He had been waiting since his sixteenth birthday. Some might have gotten impatient. But he knew she was worth the wait.

 One day, he caught the scent of something amazing entering the pack. It was very, very faint and unlike anything he'd ever smelled before. His wolf had been going crazy over the scent. Caden wondered if it was his mate. He smiled brightly, his mind racing, imagining all kinds of things they could do together.

 When he finished training, he hurriedly followed the scent. When he made it to a small but quaint white house, he froze, his eyes wide. In the window was the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen in his life.

 "Mate..." he whispered.

 Inside the house, Maryanne stared at him, her cheeks red. "Mine." she said in a low tone. She slowly stood up, getting her crutches, before going to the door. She opened it and looked at the handsome young man in front of her. 

 As Caden beheld this beautiful girl, he couldn't help but notice the crutches. He shook his head before slowly walking towards her. "What's your name?"

 "I-I'm Maryanne..." she said quietly.

 "Maryanne...Such a beautiful name....I'm Caden. It is wonderful to meet you..." Caden smiled warmly at her.

 Maryanne's face went red. She smiled back at him. "It's wonderful to meet you as well, Caden..."

 Over time, the two grew closer. Caden was shocked and angry when he heard what the rogues had done to his mate. He felt bad for her. He promised her and himself, that he would always protect her and be there for her when she should need him. No matter what. And he kept that promise. Even after he became head warrior at the age of thirty-three. 

 Caden and Maryanne were so very happy together. They married when Maryanne was nineteen and became parents to a little boy when she was twenty-four. After Caden became head warrior, he was of course a little busier with his duties to the pack, but he always made time for his family. The couple was soon blessed with another baby. A little girl. 

 Caden retired at the age of 60, having had many great years as a warrior to his pack. The couple grew old together and lived to see their grandchildren. At the age of 88, Maryanne died of old age, in her mate's arms. She died happy with no regrets. And just four months later, Caden died of a broken heart.

Sometimes, Maryanne would be faced with the question, if she could, would she change what happened to her that day she lost her leg? And her answer would always be the same. "I wouldn't change what happened to me, no....Because, I know I never would've met my beloved Caden when I did. He's become my whole world...And makes me feel so special...So, even though I am without a leg, I don't regret a thing. If I could go back in time, knowing what I know now, I would still go through it. In fact, if I could see those rogues again, I'd thank them! I met my Caden because of them. What they meant for evil, was turned to good."

 "Your great grandparents were so full of love for one another....Your great grandfather went on to be a great head warrior but still maintained the best title he would ever have. A wonderful mate and a great father." Mr. Judge finished.

 Hudson had tears rolling down his cheeks. "H-how did you know all of this...?"

 Mr. Judge chuckled before coughing a bit. "They told me about it themselves. I loved going over to their house and spending time with them. Grandmother was a wonderful woman. And grandfather was an amazing man. I always admired them and their story."

 Hudson nodded slowly, looking down at his cast. Mrs. Judge took her son's hand and looked at him solemnly. He looked up at her. "We can't tell you what to do, son...But, we do hope that you will at least think about what we said..."

 "Grace may be human and she may be a paraplegic, but I think together, you both can handle anything that comes your way. Just remember, my boy, no matter what happens, I'm proud of you." Fredrick Judge smiled at his boy, who gave him a small smile before looking away.

 Guilt coursed through Hudson as Danielle's and his parents' words clouded his mind. "What do I do...? I....I love her....But I'm afraid, dad...I-I don't want her to get hurt..."

 His father smiled fondly at his son. "Talk to her, Hudson."

 "But what if she doesn't listen??" 

 "Try, Hudson. I'm sure she will. When she left, I could see in her eyes how much she cares about you. I know she loves you. I know she will listen to you. It might take time for her to forgive you, but in the end, I think everything will be ok..." Betsy Judge replied.

 "I hope you're right, mom..." Hudson nodded slowly, sighing heavily.

 That night, he lay in his hospital bed, staring up at the ceiling, wide awake. No matter how many times he tried, he couldn't stop thinking about Grace and his parents' words. Even Danielle's words wouldn't leave his mind. His gaze wandered over to his phone. He took a deep breath before picking it up. He went to his contacts and found the one he was looking for. He clicked and put the phone to his ear.

  After several rings, the person on the other end finally answered. "Hello?"

 "Hi, Grace....It's Hudson...I know it's late, but I wondered if maybe we could talk..."

 Grace's eyes were wide. She sat there in her bed, speechless. Rex looked at her curiously. Finally, she sighed, nodding her head. "Alright. I'll be there tomorrow morning..."

 Hudson smiled. "Thank you, Gracie..."

 "No problem..." Grace gave a small smile. "I'll see you tomorrow."

 "See you tomorrow, Gracie," Hudson said softly. 

 Grace smiled before hanging up. She looked over at Rex, who cocked his head in curiosity. The girl chuckled and placed her hand on his paw. "It looks like tomorrow we're gonna go visit Hudson..." Rex gave her a little doggy smile at this news. "I'm a little nervous, but I think everything will be ok..."

 Reluctantly, Hudson hung up and placed his phone back on the table. "Goodnight, Grace...I love you..." he said softly, before lying his head back on the pillow.

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