Chapter 7

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 That night, Hudson just couldn't sleep. He wondered if maybe he could call Grace.

 "Dad always did say that when he and mom were dating, and he couldn't sleep, he always called mom and, that helped....Should I try calling Grace...?" Hudson shook his head. "I can't! I can't accept her as my mate. I can't be close with her...But she sure is beautiful and so caring...I felt better somehow when I went to her today..."

 Hudson decided to try calling Grace. Half of him hoped she wouldn't answer. He rolled onto his side and grabbed his phone. He rolled back onto his back and dialed Grace's number.


 Grace herself was having trouble falling asleep. All she could think about was Hudson. He was so upset that evening...She really hoped he was alright. At that moment, one of her favorite love songs, 'End of Time' began to play. It was her ring tone for Hudson. She didn't really know why she put a love song as her ring tone for him, but, whatever. 

 She looked down at Rex, who had lifted his head up. He looked up at Grace. Grace quickly picked up the phone and answered the call.


 "Hi...It's Hudson...Are you ok to talk for a bit..? I didn't mean to wake you, I just...Couldn't sleep and you said if I needed to talk, I could call you..."

 "Of course, Hudson! I actually couldn't sleep either, to tell you the truth.." Grace chuckled a little. 

 "Is Danni home yet?" 

 "No. I'm not worried about her, I just wonder what she's doing." Grace replied.

 Hudson chuckled. "With Mark, his dates are always romantic and over-the-top. And I imagine, because she's now engaged, he made this date really special."

 "Well, it is her first date as someone who's engaged to be married..." Grace mused.


 At that moment, Grace and Rex heard a door slam. "I think she just got home. And she doesn't sound happy...Hang on a second," Grace put the phone down on her nightstand. "Rex, get my wheelchair, boy." 

 Rex barked and jumped off the bed. He stood on his hind legs, pushing the chair forward.

 "Good boy, Rexy." Grace smiled. "Try to help me into it, please..." Rex yipped and did his best to help her in her chair. Finally, she made it. 

 "Grace? Are you there? Is everything ok?" Hudson's voice came over the phone.

 "I'm ok, Hudson. I just needed to get into my wheelchair. Not easy." 

 "Does Danni usually hear Rex when he barks..?"

 "Yes, why?"

 "Because I heard him over the phone and I haven't heard Danielle yet." Hudson told her.

 "You're right...She must be pretty upset..."

 "What did he do to his mate now.??" Hudson muttered, but Grace heard it.

 "Mate?" she asked.

 "Oh, uh...Soulmate! They think of each other as soulmates." Technically, Hudson wasn't lying. Mate was short for soulmate. And they did think of each other as mates....Because they were.     

 "Ok..? Well, give me a second. I'm just going to check on her real quick." Grace replied, picking up the phone. She put her phone on her lap and wheeled herself out of her bedroom. She frowned, seeing her friend's bedroom door closed. Rex whined a little, looking up at his mistress. Grace looked down and patted him. "I know, Rex, I know." Grace went over to Danielle's room and knocked on the door.

 "Go away!" Grace's eyes were wide at her friend's words. She knocked again. This time, Dannielle swung the door opened. "Oh! Grace! I'm sorry....I didn't mean to wake you...I didn't realize it was you at the door..." her mascara was running and her eyes were red and puffy. 

 "Well, I'm the only one living here with you, besides Rex." Grace shrugged. "So...What's wrong? Why are you so frustrated?" Danni shook her head, trying not to cry but failing. "Oh, Danni, come here!" Grace took Danni in her embrace, comforting her as she cried on her shoulder. Rex whined sadly before licking Danni's arm.

 Danni let go of the embrace and chuckled, looking down at the Germán Shepard. She pet the dog's head, tears still in her eyes. "Thanks, Grace....Thanks, Rex...." 

 "Of course, Danni...But, what's wrong...? Did something happen between you and Mark?" Grace asked quietly. 

 Danielle sighed heavily, walking into her room and sitting down on the bed. Grace wheeled herself over to her, Rex by her side. "It's a long story, Grace..."

 "We have time. Come on, Danielle...I'm your friend. I want to help you...But I can't if you don't tell me what's on your mind."

 Danielle sighed and nodded. "Alright...I'll tell you..." She took a deep breath before looking at her friend. "Mark and I were on our date...We were at the beach, stargazing. I excused myself to go to the bathroom and....and when I came back, I-I saw Mark hugging another girl...." Danni burst into tears again.  

 "Oh, Danni...." Grace hugged her friend tight. "What did he say?"

 "I didn't give him a chance to say anything...I just left..."

 Grace sighed, shaking her head. "You need to talk to him, Danni...And not just, 'I'm breaking up with you.'"

 "I guess your right...I'll talk to him tomorrow...Thank you, Grace." Danielle wiped her eyes, giving a small smile.

 "No problem." Grace smiled. Rex looked up at them, smiling his little doggy smile. He panted a little, as he watched the girls hug.

 From over the phone, Hudson gave a small smile. He had heard the conversation, seeing as Grace hadn't hung up. He hoped things would go well with Mark and Danielle. He could only imagine how training would go.

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