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I came to and Kain's beautiful eyes were the first thing I saw. They were full of tender love and warmth. I wanted to drown in it so bad.

A nurse rushed in to check my vitals.

“you just had a really bad panic attack. You'll be okay sweetie.” she whispered.

“do you feel any pain?”



“A little bit.” I answered.

“you'll be fine.” she said sweetly and left.

It's when I noticed Grey and Romero slumped over each other. It was cute. Until I noticed Grey's drool.

“Ew.” I winced.

Kain walked over there and shook them awake.

“Awww, baby Mitri's awake!” Grey exclaimed and walked over to hug me.

“you scared us Mitri.” Romero echoed.

“Didn't mean to.” I said avoiding eye contact.

“Yeah, it was your dad's fault.” Grey said,“i'm happy he's dead-”

“My dad's dead?!” I screamed.

“Grey!” Kain nudged him angrily.

“What? He deserved it...for calling my Dimitri a faggot.”

“Are you okay baby?”

“Yeah, I'm.... fine.”

“I can't believe he's really dead...I didn't -”

“Hey it's not your fault...you came to see him and all he could do was call you names...-”

“I know but he's still my dad Kain!”

I had never yelled at him before. The look in his eyes was enough to flip my stomach with guilt.

“i need to be alone.” I said,“Everybody out.”

Kain was the first to walk out. Then Grey, then Romero.

It felt like the devil was taunting me and me alone.

Soon enough. Hot tears were staining my hospital gown.

Maybe he was right. Maybe I belong to hell.

I heard a sudden knock on the door to my hospital room.

“Guys, I really mean it. I wanna be alone right now.”

The door swung open, and the other side was a tall, skinny man. Probably in his thirties. He had a long navy blue trenchcoat, and I noticed a gun poking from the side of his pocket.

“Umm...hi.” I said meekly.

“Hi..I'm detective Joe Wagner.”


“Yeah...I'm hired by the state. To find out what happened to your father. Who shot him.”


“And I have some devastating news for you Dimitri...”

“I know he's dead.” I snapped.

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