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Believe it or not, Kamila was in my house when I woke up the next day. Jake however, wasn't.

"Hi, Diego, do you have any idea where Jakie poo might be?"

"Its Dimitri," I said flatly.

"okay, Daisy...do you know where he could be? I need him to fuck me,asap, I haven't gotten his dick in forever."

I rubbed my eyes, annoyed. She is frantically searching for him, so she can get dicked down? I mean, I can see why, but, seriously?

"No, I don't know where he is, he is your fiance, right?"

The word fiance burned in my throat.

"How'd you get in here anyway?" I snarled.

"Spare key." she replied curtly.

"So, do you know where he is, or not?"

"i don't," I said clenching my teeth.

She chuckled, "of course you don't. I was just wasting my time..."

"what are you anyway, Jake's pet?"

"i'm his roommate."

She sat down on the bed, a weird smile enveloping her angelic face.

Her hand landed on my cheek. And she caressed it condescendingly.

"you are sweet...too sweet...or just delusional, Jake has another apartment, in LA, and he lives there alone...I mean, I visit sometimes, but..." she semi whispered."your just his charity case. I hope you worship the very ground he walks on."

"ohh, and did I tell you? We're going move together there after we get married. And where pray tell will you go sweetie?" she cooed.

I felt my heart break into a million pieces. I wasn't sure Jake was getting married married. Since our fight, I haven't really thought about where I would go...back to my parents? My little hometown?

"And oh, were getting married in a month or so."

I wanted to stomp her face under my feet. I wanted her face disfigured and dismantled. I could now tell what drew Jake and Kamila together. They both spat venom when they spoke even when they were being nice.

I wanted to tell her that me and Jake were more than just roommates.

I wanted to tell her detail by detail of how Jake fucked me almost every night.

So, why don't I? It would serve her right wouldn't it? Sure I would end up tied to the bumper of Jake's car, but, totally worth it.

"Hey, Kamila," I called out.

She turned to face me like I was some annoying fly.

"me and Jake-"

We both turned to the sound of the front door squeaking open.
Jake emerged from the other side, his face contorting to a smile when he saw Kamila.

He has never smiled when he saw me.

"Jakie poo!" Kamila squealed, running to Jake and enveloping her long legs around his waist, and proceeding to attack him with feverish kisses. Jake kissed him back with an equal passion, sloppish sounds echoing off the walls.

I felt uncomfortable and disgusted. I suddenly realized how much I wanted Jake for myself, for him to love me like he did Kamila, for him to surprise me and let me climb his tall figure.

I watched as they began groping and doing all sorts of disgusting things right in front of my eyes.

"No, babe, not here." Kamila cooed.

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