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Kain's pov

They say hope breeds eternal misery. But that was just bullshit to my ears.
I couldn't stop hoping. Couldn't stop hoping that Dimitri would be mine someday. It gave me a goofy smile just thinking about him. I wanted him. Wanted him so bad, it hurt just thinking about it. I wanted to make him feel loved and special but at the same time to heal that brokenness within him. I always saw it, the pain , the misery, and that made me want to protect him.

“What's with the goofy smile there?” Chelsea asked, taking a bite into the popcorn I'd just prepared.

I was currently living with Chelsea, which was a fact I wasn't really proud of. A couple of days earlier, she called to ask whether she could stay over with me. Sure I wasn't on board at first, but she couldn't stop crying and I just had to invite her over. But the last thing I wanted was Dimitri to feel uncomfortable.

“Don't you have somewhere to be?” I prodded.

“oh yeah,”she belched,“i better be going now.”

“Don't get too drunk, if you do I'm not going to pick you up.”

“Awww,” she cooed,“you do care about lil old me.”

She stood up, dusted herself up, and began to walk towards me. It was utterly undeniable that Chelsea was attractive and had a luscious figure, but her addiction on drugs is what made me lose faith on our relationship.

She was dangerously close to me now, her minty sweet breath fanning my nostrils. Her hand was placed delicately on my lower back.

Her delicate, soft hands made their way towards my chin, and turned it so I was facing her. I felt as if I was in a trance. It was like my body was fighting the urge to push her away.


Then we got interrupted by a Ramon the door, which broke the temporary spell.

“i better get that.”

“and I better head out, see you later.”

I went to invite Dimitri in as Chelsea simultaneously walked out. And I'd be lying if I said didn't give him the stink eye, or bumped his shoulder as she walked out.

Dimitri looked absolutely delectable. He had on a huge long sleeved shirt, that somehow covered his entire neck and on top, was a strange, teal sweater vest that looked new. He also had on baggy, black jeans, and his hair, which was kinda long now, tied in a small bun atop his head.

“Dimitri...you look...”

“Overdressed, I know.” he meekly spoke.

“no, you look perfect.” I said slyly, and leaned to bite his cheek. Yes, bite. We walked inside and I noticed he walked with a slight limp to his step.

“what happened, why are you limping?” I asked, concern lacing my voice.

“nothing, I just hit my toe on the bed post yesterday.”

Something about his answer didn't convince me, but I didn't wanna bother.

We soon got inside, and I couldn't miss the look of happiness on his face.

“wow, you did all this for me?”he cooed, looking at the set up of snacks and the flimsy pillow fort I'd made.

“you are so sweet, I feel bad for not bringing anything....”

“No worries, I'm glad that you came.”


We both settled on watching the new Wonka movie. But I couldn't keep my eyes on the screen long enough. I kept stealing glances at Dimitri as he devoured the snacks, his big blue eyes focused on the screen.

“What?” he quipped noticing I was staring.


“Nothing? dude you've been staring at me the whole time.” he giggled.

“well, I seem to like what I see.”

I put my hand on his upper hip, and watched him blush like crazy.

His eyes bore into mine. Kinda telling me, “go on.” and I enjoyed it. I wanted him so badly. I wanted to ravage him and show him how to properly be loved.

But just as I was leaning to kiss his lips that were coated with a thick sheen of saliva, he pushed me away, leaving a confused yet hurt me.

“is anything wrong Mitri?”

“are you and Chelsea back together?" he said,“i'm not a homewrecker.”

I smiled. Sweet, innocent, kind Dimitri.

“No, me and Chelsea aren't a thing. She's just staying over for a couple of days.” I said, “That's all baby, I swear.”

He pecked my lips then pulled away.

“but she is gorgeous, are you sure you guys are not....”

I initiated the kiss to shut him up. I didn't wanna spend the entire time talking about Chelsea when I could be doing something better, with him.

The kiss was deep, fiery and true, like my feelings for him. Our lips fit like two puzzle pieces. I longed for him, I wanted him I'm a feral way. Dimitri was a surprisingly good kisser. To me he just looked like he still hadn't had his first kiss, but I knew that was far from the truth because the way he was biting my lip, damn.

I pulled away briefly to take off my polo shirt. I reached to take off his sweater vest, but he said no when i reached to unbutton his shirt.

I wanted to go on, go all the way, but I could see fear flashing in his beautiful eyes. And I was really big on consent so I stopped.

“Dimitri,” I caressed his cheek,“what's wrong?”

“nothing's wrong, we can continue....” he said dismissively as he tried to reconnect our lips but I declined and pushed him away.

“you can tell me if something's bothering you Dimitri, I'll understand, okay?”

He sighed, and seemed to collect himself briefly. Then his big eyes turned to face me.

“Do you like me?”

I felt my intestines twist. A question every person dreads to answer.

“uh, yeah, I do...is that bad?”

“no,” he sighed,“i just.... what if you found out something about me, that would make you hate me?”

“Mitri, I'd never hate you...unless you are like a serial killer who fucks minors.” I could see my sense of humor didn't ease his nerves.

“babe, look, I'd never hate you, not even if I wanted to.”


“Promise.” we sealed it with a chaste kiss.

Things couldn't be more perfect.

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