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I woke up to Jake caressing my cheeks. I should've melted into his touch, told him about how good he fucked me last night that I couldn't even feel my ass, or legs. 

He had on sweatpants that hung low on his sculpted thighs and a tight V-necked shirt which accentuated his muscles further. He seemed so edible, even though he smelled a curious scent of toxic masculinity, sweat and his cheap-ish cologne.

He also had a designer bag in his hand. I guess he didn't notice how disgusting I was, or he simply ignored it, like he ignores everything. He dug into the designer bag and pulled out a leather leash encrusted with rhinestones. I hope that's for some dog he's planning to adopt.

I eyed him curiously even though I was bubbling with contempt for him.

“This beautiful piece, is yours Dimitri.” he spoke.

“I want everyone to know, that you belong to me.” he grabbed my chin harshly.

“Don't touch me.” I whispered,my voice laced with venom.

“What did you just say to me?”

“I said don't fucking touch me you prick!”

I began to slide away from him until I was on the floor. Damn my spaghetti legs!

“Don't cuss at me Dimitri.” he growled, and gripped my arm harshly.

“Or what huh? You gonna rape me again? Beat me up huh? You can fucking do it, won't feel a thing.”

I was dumbfounded when his knuckles made contact with my lip. I traced the crimson liquid with my fingers, and looked at him. He didn't seem fazed, in fact, his eyes were challenging me to do something, anything.

To his utter surprise, I smiled.

“let me ask you a question Jake, just who am I to you?!” I yelled in his face. Even though I was around the size of a doorknob to him.

He grabbed my chin, and pulled me forcefully to a harsh, disgusting kiss where our teeth clashed.

“you're my bitch.”he spat.

“Does Kamila know?”

“Does she know your dick has been in more places than a vagina huh?” I challenged “Coz I'd be glad to hit her up, and give her all the juicy details-”

I was cut off by another punch. This one was more brutal, not like the warning shot he had given me. His face contorted to an ugly form, his lips tucked in his teeth, his eyes bloodshot and red. It was only then I'd realized I'd angered a madman.

He pushed me against the wall, his hands harshly against my chest. He was breathing like an angered bull, his nostrils flaring like one too.

“Is that your death wish Dimitri?” he beamed “coz I can assure you if anything of what we do gets to Kamila...” he chuckled maniacally.

“You'll never see daylight again.”

Another punch.

My lips were bloody, an iron taste invading my mouth. Pain in my ass was the least of my problems now.

He grabbed my chin harshly, forcing me to face him. This was Armani falls highschool all over again.

“Who do you belong to?!” he spat in my face.

Jake, please....”

“i asked you a question... Who do you fucking belong to?”

I croaked, and he punched my gut, making me double over in pain, but he didn't seem to care I was getting my bloody goo all over his shirt.

“i belong to you, Jake” I wheezed out, admitting defeat.

He left my side, and watched me topple over. He grabbed the leather leash, and clasped it on my neck.

“And don't you fucking forget it.” he spoke, brief, and to the point, as he stomped away.

I laid there, pain surging through my beaten up body mercilessly. My eyes were stinging with unshed tears. Next thing I knew, salty tears were spilling from my eyes in elevens.

Suddenly, I missed my small town home, my parents, my preacher father, my nurse father, my perfectly perfect older brother, the family dog, Doug. I missed being woken up by the family rooster, hot coffee, warm syrupy pancakes...back then when mornings were sweet, and life sweeter, back when I believed in stupid fairy tales, even though everyone was bullying me.

My train of thought was interrupted when some warm cloth was dabbed on my bloody lip. I winced, and turned to face Jake. He was shirtless now, only in his sweatpants. His face was contorted with concentration. Am I wrong to think he is burning hot right now?

“Stop staring.” he said.

I lowered my gaze, feeling embarrassed.

“you do know this is all your fault, right?” he whispered, dabbing my lip with alcohol.

I winced and pushed him away. He raised his brow at me quizzically.

“You know I have a bad temper, yet you went out of your way to provoke me.”

I lowered my gaze. Somehow, I believed him. Maybe it's all my fault. Maybe I'm the antagonist in the way of their happy marriage with Kamila. But strangely, I wanted to fight for him, but,did he even want me?

“whom do you love, me or Kamila?”

I watched his jaw clench, but he simply ignored my question.

“hold still or you'll get an infection.” I obliged, but maybe it was for the best he ignored me. I didn't want to get beaten up again.

When we were done, he advised, no ordered me to shower. I happily obliged, happy to get the bloody muck off my body.

The shower was slow and painful, mostly because I had a nasty headache each time I tried to bend, and my back felt like it'd been carrying boulders.

“how do you feel?” Jake asked, once I got of the shower.

“Like a train has run over me, ugh” I groaned.

“Where does it hurt?”

I pointed to my head, my back, and my lip, to which Jake gave me two pills to swallow. I gazed questioningly at him, remembering what happened the last time I drank a pill given to me by Jake Oliver.

“Relax, it's just a painkiller.” he said,and I swallowed the pill dry, which scratched my throat like gravel.

Jake grabbed some ointment, and began to apply on the bruises he inflicted. After he was done, he began to put all my clothes on me.

“No Jake, I can do it.” like always, he ignored me, and continued to put clothes on me like a child.

Afterwards, I slid into bed, much to my protests, and Jake tucked me in.

“You do know I'm the only one who gives a crap about you right?” he asked hovering above me.

“i remember that little town of yours, how nobody cared about you...not even your fucking parents.” he chuckled bitterly,“not even your bullshit brother...”

“if it wasn't for me, you would still be sucking up to your parents in that small town...” he grabbed my chin “so be greatful I saved you.”

Then he kissed me, just like that.

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