Chapter 31

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Third Person POV

As Alex darted past tress and bushes with her tongue sticking out, she never felt more alive. The rushing feeling she was getting was exhilarating. The adrenaline was on full max.

Looking behind her to see no one, she frowned. Slowly down before coming to a full stop and turned around. Her ears flatten in confusion as she looked around. Where did her mates go?

Hearing some rustling, she turned her attention to the right. Tilting her head when more rustling came. After just a moment, a giant tiger flew out.

Alex watched as said tiger accidentally flew over her and crashed into a tree, hitting her head pretty hard.

The omega girl looked at her mate worried, afraid that she was hurt. But that went away when the tiger quickly got back on her feet and shook her head, turning back to Alex and grinning.

Feeling sudden fear after seeing the tiger's grin, Alex slowly took a few, small steps back, smiled, then booked it. The tiger giving chase.

Alex took lefts and rights like crazy, trying her hardest to get the tiger off her tail. And it worked after a while but in exchange was that she was now exhausted from all that running.

She wasn't use to running around despite being a werewolf. She was more on the laze side since she was always hurt by either her step-father or Arthur and his friends so she couldn't run around like most other kids her age since she needed to heal. Plus, she never liked running.

Where would she run too? Where the point?

Stopping to take a breather, Alex looked over her shoulder one more time just to be sure she shook the tiger off. Seeing nothing, through heavy breaths she smiled.

Feeling something lick her face, Alex looked up to see the blond wolf right there. She paled, if she could. Seems like she forgotten that the tiger wasn't the only person chasing her.

Without thinking twice, Alex ran. After a couple hours of running, each time she went to take a breather or thought she was finally safe, one of her mates would pop out of nowhere and scare the goddess out of her.

It seemed like the entire time they were playing, her mates were toying with her. Purposely not using their full speed and losing her just to make her think she go away.

Jerks, all of them.

Unable to take another step after all that running around, Alex collapsed. Breathing heavy with half closed eyes. Legs shaky and vision blurred.

When her mates quickly ran up to her, her ears flatten against her head and she let out a small whimper. Telling them no more.

"I think we took it too far." Eli frowned, staring down at the omega with her hand rubbing her chin. The others nodded. "Definitely. The poor darling is exhausted."

The tiger took a step closer and began rubbing her head against Alex's. Upon seeing her only response was a tired, little whimper, she looked back at her other mates with worry.

The dragon lifted her head to look around a moment before something caught her eye. In her giant form, she saunter over to it, knocking down and crushing trees in her way in the meantime.

When she got to the spot she had an eye on, the dragon started moving in circles, stamping down trees before moving them out of the way.

The four others looked at her confused until they realized she was making a small cleaning for them to rest.

Smiling, the tiger grabbed Alex by her scruff, where she hanging there limp like a dead rabbit, and they headed over to where the dragon was laying, waiting for them.

As they gather around, they leaned against the dragon. Feeling her warm scales which promptly made them fall asleep.

Seeing all her mates were not sleeping against her, the dragon rest her head. Rolling up so her mates were out of sight and soon followed them to a blissful sleep.

Letting out a small yawn, Alex pushed a smiling Nini out of her face. "Too close." She murmured, rubbing the sleepiness out of her eyes.

Surrounding her was her other friends, Liz, Zack, Max, Harper, and Ben. Who were all staring at her with shock.

They were outside in one of the gardens again, taking in the warm sunlight.

"You found your mates?" Zack asked, his arms folded over his chest while he stared at Alex in disbelief. Alex nodded her head, looking up at him. "Yeah. I was surprised too. Didn't think I even had mates."

"You found your mates?" Zack asked again. Harper shook her head, rubbed her forehead. "Don't mind him, he's just jealous that you found your mates before he find his."

"To be honest, me and Ben placed a bet on who was finding their mate first." Max smiled, laughing nervously as she scratched her head.

Ben looked at her and tapped her arm, sticking his hand out. Max didn't even look at him as she took out her wallet and handed him ten bucks.

Alex tilted her head. "Do elves not get mates?" She asked. Nini shook her head. "Nah, they get partners by choosing someone their own. Plus, Ben already has a fiancé."

"It was just you and Zack that didn't have anyone." Alex nodded her head, thinking for a moment before snapping her head at Ben. "Ben has a fiancé!?" Ben did a peach sign at her.

"Yeah. Did you not know that? They were engaged for a while now." Alex snapped her head at Harper, her expression full of confusion. "No! No one told me that!"

"Well that's a surprise."

"Never mind that!" Zack butt in, pushing Harper out of the way to get Alex's attention back on him. "I thought you would never find your mate, let alone MATES!"

"WOW. Thank you so much for having so much confidence in me." Alex frowned, crossing her legs over each other. "Why am I the last one to find someone."

Zack cried, messing up his hair by ruffling it. "Maybe cause you never off your video games or go outside unless forced." Harper frowned, dusting herself off as she angrily stared at Zack, pissed off that he dare push her.

Zack shook his head, folding his arms over his chest again. "Nah, that ain't it."

"I actually don't know what my mates look like." Everyone turned to Alex. "What?" Alex leaned back, thinking. "I've only saw two of them in their human form and I only recognized one. She was the vampire lady from the celebration who scared me in the garden."

"Do you not know the other lady?" Liz asked, sitting next to Alex who shook her head. "No. But she almost looked like Harper, only she was taller, had shorter hair, and her eyes were much more red."

"Yeah, that was my eldest sister, Eli." Alex nodded her head before realizing what Harper just said. "You have a sister!?"

"Yeah, three. You didn't know that?"



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