Chapter 9

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Alex's pov

I managed to escape and avoid Liz for the past few days with the help of the others. I'm currently on top of the club's house roof, staring up at the sky. It's a little chilly up here but I don't mind.

Luckily my fever broke after a couple of days and I quickly got better. It normally takes longer for me to get better, even getting worst when I'm running around but Nini thinks it's because of Zarah's weird, magical tea that helped, which I kind of find hard to believe.

And even after I got better, Liz continued to hunt me down to get me ready for the party. I'm not a fan of dressing up or makeup, which Liz knows but that doesn't stop her from wanting to pretty me up like a doll.

For her information I like how I look, for the most part. Yeah I have a bunch of ugly scars along with  this cursing silver hair of mine that gives me problems but another then that, I look fine. Plus, makeup feels so uncomfortable to wear.

"Alex! Alex, where are you!?" I snapped out of thought, paling when I realized that was Liz's voice. Slowly and silently turning over on to my stomach and crawling over to the edge of the roof, I saw Liz looking around, her kit in hand.

When Liz turn to look my direction, I got down, hiding in plain sight. After a while I heard her walking away, still calling out my name. It'll probably take her a while before she gets up here to look.

In the meantime, I should take a little nap. All this running around is tiring me out. "Found you." Never mind.

My eyes snapped opened, immediately seeing the face of my worst nightmare, a grinning Liz. A look of the worst evil. Turning my head, I saw the makeup kit.

Turning back to her, I nervously smiled. Without a second thought, I shot up without banging my head against Liz's and ran over to the ladder. Being careful while I rapidly climbed down. Liz giving chase. What is with demons popping out of nowhere and chasing me!?

"Get back here, Alex! This would happened soon if you like it or not." I didn't stop, jumping off the ladder when I was close enough to the ground without getting serious hurt and booked it into the clubhouse, closing and locking the door right behind me.

So happy Zack installed all these locks awhile back.

It didn't take long to hear the sound of pounding against the locked door. "Al, open this door!" I smirked, happy about my victory. "No thanks, I like life. I'm allergic to dressing up and makeup."

"Come on, Al, please." Liz begged, "I'll make you so pretty. Plus, you're not allergic to anything."

"I have no reason to go to the queen's party, Liz. I'm an omega thus wouldn't even be allowed to attend let alone get inside the castle without an invitation."

"I could get you in." Turning around, I saw Harper sitting at one of the tables, eyes focus on the book she's reading. "How would you get me in?"

"I have an invitation, my older sister works there and gave me one. Said I could bring a plus one if I want." I frowned, I know that Harper had a few siblings but never knew that one of them work in the Five Queen's castle. "Shouldn't you bring, Max instead then?"

"She also got an invitation." I frowned, my plans are already turning into ruin. "Perfect." I yelped, flinching back as I spin around and saw Liz right in front of me. Makeup kit in one hand and a dress in another. "Looks like I do have to pretty you up."

Somebody save me.


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